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Scm in Automotive Industry


Submitted By yugandhar
Words 3533
Pages 15


TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 2 OVERVIEW OF SUPPLY CHAIN STRATEGY: 3 FORD: LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN STRATEGY 3 About the company 3 Features of Ford system of manufacturing 4 Supply chain Design 4 Push Pull Strategy 5 Best practices 6 TOYOTA: LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN STRATEGY 6 About the Company 6 Supply chain design 7 Key features of Toyota business model 7 Drivers of supply chain 8 Parts Ordering 9 Parts and Supplier Master 9 Forecasting 9 Toyota distribution model 10 Best practices 10 COMPARISON 10 ISSUES 11 RECOMMENDATIONS 12 REFRENCES 13

The Indian automotive industry, comprising vehicle and component manufacturers, has grown steadily since the economic liberalization of the early 1990’s. The arrival of major global auto companies has galvanised the domestic sector into adopting Supply Chain best practices. The changing business conditions of the 21st century has led to companies facing issues ranging from globalisation, economic uncertainty to new technologies and increasing consumer demands. In the automobile industry, as manufacturers design and build vehicles globally, their supply chains become increasingly complex with challenges that often stand in the way of profitability and higher shareholder value such as long order-to-delivery lead times, unreliable production schedules, excess inventory across the supply chain, lengthy demand planning cycles and lack of visibility of suppliers. The effect of the global economic meltdown increased the pressure on automotive executives to make right decisions about their supply chain for better performance. In a highly challenging and competitive environment such as today, where supply chain is a popular tool for improving the organisational

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