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Submitted By rajan07r
Words 1259
Pages 6
Student Name _________________________________ Date _____________
SEC450 Security Testing iLab

In this lab, the students will examine the following objectives.

* The use of Flow Analysis Port Scan to determine the open ports on routers or hosts * Discovery of network vulnerabilities and mitigation of possible threats

A small company is using the topology shown below. Minimal security measures have been implemented. Possible vulnerabilities need to be discovered in any of the devices used in the network architecture. This includes routers, switches, and workstations.


The last page of the Lab Assignment document contains a full-page Topology. Remove this page and use it for reference to the topology and the IP addresses.
Initial SEC450 Projects Preparation

In the Week 1 iLab content item, open the file SEC450_OpNet_iLab_Preparation.docx. As described in this document, use Windows Explorer in the Citrix iLab Environment to copy the G:\OPNET\SEC450 projects directory to the F:\op_models directory.

Initial OpNet Preparation

The Week 1 iLab is entitled Security Testing. The following steps show how to create the project required for the Week 1 iLab.

* Log into the Citrix iLab Environment (

* Click on the OpNet 17 icon.

* Click the Accept button to Open OpNet 17.

* Click File/Open and navigate to the F:\op_models\SEC450\SEC450.project\SEC450 file and click Open.

* In OpNet 17 with the SEC450 project open, click File/Save As.

* Save the project in the F:\op_models\SEC450 directory as SecurityTesting.

You are now ready to begin the Security Testing iLab with a project called SecurityTesting.

Initial Configuration
The Dallas and Chicago Router’s FastEthernet and Serial interfaces used for the lab have been correctly configured and enabled. Unused

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