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Self-Assessment of Leadership Practices


Submitted By shaynaf
Words 2381
Pages 10
Task 2: Self-Assessment of Leadership Practices

Contents Self-Assessment of Leadership Practices 3 Seven Habits Profile and Findings 3 Leadership Strengths 3 Leadership Weaknesses 4 Recommendations for Leadership Development 5 SMART Goals 6 References 8

Self-Assessment of Leadership Practices

In this introduction paragraph, provide the reader with a brief overview of what is included in this paper.

Seven Habits Profile and Findings

The Seven Habits Profile scores indicate I operate more proficiently in habits 4-6. My comfort zone has always been working with and supporting others. I have always been much more effective dealing with others situations; listening to their concerns and then offering solutions that they can easily implement with their existing resources and tool set.
As a leader, I strive to seek balance with staff, inspiring them to meet organizational goals in ways that do not compromise their own personal beliefs and objectives. I make it a priority to listen to others and communicate in a manner that they can relate.
My leadership style is very hands on and engaged with my staff. I spend time getting to know them personally and professionally and often work side by side with them to learn more about their needs as individuals. I am open and authentic with employees and feel that this builds a high level of trust and mutual respect.

Leadership Strengths

I am using the Transformational Leadership Theory to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses and to recommend three changes I can make to maximize my success.
When I transitioned from Technician to the Manager of Technicians, it was critical to me that I not lose sight of what the Technicians do and what was critical for their success. I had worked nearly 7 years as a Technician and the one thing that resounded with

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