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Learning Team B Leadership Analysis


Submitted By pedaiah
Words 3419
Pages 14
Learning Team B Leadership Analysis

To become a leader in the 21st century requires the tenacity to embrace change. For example, how information is transmitted, and how resources are allocated requires visionary leaders who are equipped with a broad range of talents and temperaments. According to Clawson (2006), "the more organizations are built around teams; the more old measures of performance become outdated" (p. 241). Leadership in the 21st century requires the tenacity to embrace change, and have a broad range of talents and temperaments. According to Wren (1995), “the only thing of real importance that leaders do is to create and manage culture, and the unique talents of leaders is their ability to understand and work with culture” (p. 273). In the past 100 years, researchers have studied the means, methods, and models of building and leading teams. The research on leadership models and behaviors emerged through the modernization of manufacturing and production of goods and services. Studies included the study of biographical characteristics of members, such as sex, age, education, marital status, race, religious affiliation, geographic region of birth, weight, and height are some of the data collected (Bass, 2010, p. 7). Moreover, the purpose of this essay is to give an overview of the team’s online assessment scores and how each team member’s leadership style translates into specific leadership behaviors and practices. In addition to the overview, Learning Team B will describe how each team member’s style reflects one or more leadership theories, while explaining team member’s leadership style, use of power, conflict-handling style, and team skills that potentially affect team effectiveness. Learning Team B leadership analysis is based on members’ self-assessment scores from the Pearson-Prentice Hall Self-Assessment Library

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