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Self Concept


Submitted By Gilliamjm24
Words 1611
Pages 7
The Self Paper
Jamila Gilliam
Psych 555
December 9, 2012
Dr. Jay Greiner

The Self This paper is about self-concept and how it is developed. Self-concept is important to the field of psychology because it explains one’s attitude and how they view themselves. This paper will define self-concept, the relationship between the self and emotion and the effect on individual self-esteem. Lastly, the author will explain the relationship between self and behavior and the effect on individual self-presentation.
Define the concept of the self.
Explain how an individual develops a self-concept.
Explain the relationship between the self and emotion and how this relationship affects an individual’s self-esteem.
Explain the relationship between the self and behavior and how this relationship affects an individual’s self-presentation.

According to Fiske (2010) social psychology is about the influence people have on one another. Social psychology is also the scientific explanation of how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the presence of other human beings. The presence can be actual, imagined, or implied (Fiske 2010). Social influence plays a big role in society and the decisions that individuals make. There are four key characteristics of social psychology and they are broad scope, cultural mandate, scientific methods, and search for wisdom. Broad scope is exactly as it sounds. It explains that social psychology consists of many aspects of human behavior and is affected by social influence. Social influence can be seen in conformity/deviance, loving/hating, and attitudes/action (Fiske, 2010). Social influence is a part of everyday life, even personal life. A form of social influence is communication without words, nonverbal behavior (Fiske, 2010). It has often been said that as married couples grow together they begin to look alike. There is an

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