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|성명 |(한글) |조혜경 |생년월일 |1990. 8.06 |[pic] |
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|이 경험을 잘 이용하여 요번 센세이션 코리아 공연에서 |
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|센세이션 코리아와 함께 일할 기회를 얻는다면 내 자신의 인격뿐만 아니라 한국의 국격을 세계에 드높일 수 있는 기회를 얻는 것 이라 생각합니다. 감사합니다. |

본인은 위 사항을 기재하여 Heineken presents Sensation 의 Supporters 활동을 신청합니다..

2012년 6월 20 일 지원자 조혜경 (인)

* 모든 내용을 성실히 작성하실 경우에만 Sensation Supporter로 활동하실 수 있는 기회를 드립니다.
* 작성하신 지원서는 파일명을 ‘[Sensation Supporters / 본인이름] 신청서’로 작성하시어 담당자 메일(로 보내주시기 바랍니다. 기타 문의사항은 메일로 답변 드립니다.

Sensation 공식 홈페이지 (

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Sensation vs. Perception

...Sensation and Perception The human brain is much more complex than any other organism because humans have the ability to perceive information. Any organism can experience sensation, or a response caused by the presence of a stimulus (Baar and Warden, 1928). Because humans have such complex cerebral cortexes, they can interpret the sensations caused by stimuli and decide what to do with the information. This interpretation is called perception and it gives meaning to sensations (Harrison and Geller, 2014). The difference between sensation and perception is that a sensation is just the experience of a stimulus, while perception is the interpretation of the sensation. A sensation can happen at any time and can be caused by all types of stimuli. Sensations can be cause by all the five senses that are sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Sensations are also a “native” (Baar and Warden, 1928) response, meaning they just occur and need no prior learning for translation. Perception on the other hand can only happen when there is a sensation. Without a sensation, there would be nothing to perceive, therefore there would be no information to be put together. Perception must be “acquired by experience” (Baar and Warden, 1928), meaning they require prior learning in order to interpret and understand sensations. For example, when an adult witnesses someone being hit, they will think something is wrong, because, as a child, they were taught that hitting was bad. Although...

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Sensation and Perception: a Relationship

...“Sensation and Perception: A Relationship” Essay #1 Sensation and perception are both cognitive functions that occur in our everyday lives. Sensation, as defined by William James (2010), is “becoming aware of the bare immediate natures”, in which “several objects are distinguished” (p. 6). On the other hand, perception is defined as “the consciousness of particular material things present to sense” (James, 2010, p. 57). The question that exists is whether one cognitive function can exist without the other and vice versa. I believe that both cognitive functions need each other in order to efficiently make knowledge and information. In order to answer the question, the relationship between sensation and perception needs to be well-defined. Sensation is “detecting stimuli from the body or environment [and] the immediate experience of basic properties of an object or event that occurs when a sensory receptor is stimulated” (“Sensation & Perception”, n.d.) whereas perception is the “act of organizing and interpreting sensory input as signaling a particular object or event” (“Sensation & Perception”, n.d.). Basically, stimuli must be received by the sense receptors first before being processed and perceived as meaningful data. The definition of “meaningful data” is subjective since what one person considers “meaningful” may not be to another person; individuals perceive things differently from one another. Can sense exist without perception? I believe that sensation...

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