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Shangri-La Case Study


Submitted By shamsulredzwan
Words 1891
Pages 8


The hospitality industry constitutes an economic sector with the fastest growth worldwide. At present, the industry continues to receive recognition as a profitable and progressive industry. The hospitality industry offers diverse opportunities for employees and varied services and features to customers. This means that overall industry actual and potential provisions are unlimited, which accounts for continuous shifts or adjustments contributing to industry viability. Diversity in employment and service offerings of the international hospitality industry has resulted to the higher number of people employed in the hospitality industry more than in manufacturing firms.

Due to the profitability and viability of the industry, it has also evolved into one of the most competitive economic sectors. Heightened competitiveness in the industry could draw out the untapped capabilities of hospitality firms. On a firm level, hotel managers face the challenges of shifts in its target consumer segments coinciding with changes in consumer demands, issues of liquidity, and intense failure percentage within the industry. To survive, hospitality firms need to deal with all these multifaceted issues by understanding these problems and implementing appropriate strategies. To understand how well firms in the hospitality industry ensure the competitiveness of the firm, a strategic analysis of Shangri-la hotel is the case in point. Shangri-la constitutes one of the top and long-standing international hotels and brands.

Shangri-La Hotel is a facility of services which provide places to stay for customers around the world. It is known as a hotel or a resort for consumers to relax or even have a vacation at the hotel. Shangri-La Hotel is a much known hotel in Singapore because it was founded there itself.

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