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Should We Let Immigrants Come In And Stay

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Immigration is a very common topic. People constantly debate over whether or not we should let immigrants come in and stay. I’ve seen many stories about families forced apart and people being sent off to a place they know absolutely nothing about. People in the media also talk about immigration and this can lead to them influencing some people's opinions. I personally believe that we should let immigrants come in and stay. People shouldn’t have to leave because of their race, religion, or because we think they look dangerous.

Immigrants do more good than harm to the economy. Immigrants so create more businesses and jobs. Studies have shown that immigrants have a 30% higher chance to make businesses than U.S citizens and 18% already own businesses. If we got rid of immigrants we would lose 33% of our engineers, 27% of our mathematicians, statisticians, and computer scientists, and 24% of our physical scientists. Even though many immigrants do come here for a better job, many come here for other reasons. Some of these reasons include needing to escape poverty, wanting a better life, family is here, a war is going on, or a natural disaster has happened. …show more content…
People say immigrants don’t want to learn english and they have no interest in learning our ways. Studies have shown that immigrants are learning english much faster than they did in the past. Another myth about immigrants is that immigrants don’t pay taxes but they get benefits. Undocumented immigrants do not qualify for food stamps, Medicaid, welfare, and many other benefits that we have. These benefits usually require proof that you are here legally and even legal immigrants cannot use these benefits. They have to wait until they’ve lived in the U.S for 5 or more

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