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Space for Juveniles


Submitted By jlw4827
Words 317
Pages 2
Among various thinkers who wrote several articles that focus on the future of the Juvenile justice system, Edwards and Moore have made significant contributions to this school of thought. Some of their recommendations focus specifically on the root cause of the problem concerning juvenile arrests and criminal behavior exhibited by young offenders. In one of his articles (Moore, 1996) Moore recommends that the juvenile courts should be provided with more legal power to hold parents and other community agencies accountable for the care and the behavior of the children and other minors. This model proposes that the “courts should be able to bring parents in as parties in status offense and delinquency cases and compel them to be involved in the rehabilitation of their delinquent or status offending children. In addition, the federally mandated power of the court to monitor the efforts of social service agencies with regard to services offered to families in child abuse and neglect cases would extend to delinquency and status offense cases as well.” This model has already seen the light of the day in some states like Oregon, where judges are allowed to fine parents or require them to attend parenting classes if their children violate a law. Edward in his article (Edwards and Baron, 1995) focuses more on the structural issues within the juvenile court system wherein sometimes same families appear before different branches of the court system for family related matters, which leads to a lot of duplication of effort to learn about same people by different judges. It may also subject a family to conflicting court records. Therefore, the recommendation is that the courts should coordinate case processing by different branches of the general court that handle family related matters. This includes the juvenile court. Juvenile courts should also encourage the development and

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