Premium Essay

Sports Economics


Submitted By quynhphp
Words 846
Pages 4
Do derby matches bring more fans to the game?
A look inside the English Premier League


I. Introduction
“More than 35,000 United fans have applied for FA Cup semifinal derby tickets – before they have even gone on sale... Ticket prices will range from £30 to £60 but it is thought those that find their way on to the black market will sell for several times the face value” - reported Mike Keegan (Manchester Evening News, 2011). Every time a derby match is going to happen; it seems that both the preparation before the match and the consequences it brings about is more of a concern than a normal fixture. For a Manchester Derby between Manchester United and Manchester City, an extra 75 police officers will be on duty for the Old Trafford fixture and spot checks will be carried out at pubs around the ground (TheDailymail UK, 2010). Football (or soccer) is commonly known as the King of Sports – no wonder it is always in the spotlight of public eyes. But what is the drive behind all of this cautiousness of the authorities as well as excitement of the football fans?
According to Concise Oxford English Dictionary (2008), “derby” or “local derby” (Martin, 2011) is used to refer to as a sports match between two rival teams from the same area (, 2011). These clashes of neighbors, especially those within the scope of the English Premier League (EPL), are often highly competitive not only on the field but also on the grand stand. The Barclays Premier League is widely regarded as the elite club competition in world football. Like every other league in England, the Premier League comes under the jurisdiction of the Football Association (the FA) and must submit its rules each year for approval and sanction (, 2011). Teams must fight for a stand among the 20 greatest clubs of the Premier League (PL), with three relegated to and

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