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Str 581 Week 6 Learning Team Project Selection - New


Submitted By swann300
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Pages 37

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Resources: Strategic Plan and Presentation assignment from each team member
Review all team members' Week 6 assignments.
Discuss each project's strengths and weaknesses.
Write an analysis of at least 750 words including the following:
• Comparative analysis of the top 2 strategic plans
• Selection of one of the strategic plans
• Justification for the team's selection
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.



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Resource: Implementation, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plans assignment with facilitator feedback
Complete a strategic plan for your organization of no more than 3,500 words.
Update your plan to incorporate facilitator feedback from the drafts you submitted in previous weeks. Include the following:
• Table of contents
• Executive summary, with a 2-page maximum
• Company background, organizational mission, vision, and value statements
• Note. For a start-up, you should focus on the backgrounds and accomplishments of key anticipated management personnel. The goal is to convince the investor that these individuals are trustworthy and successful.
• Environmental scan
• Review of Week 4 strategies and a

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