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Submitted By drd2107
Words 629
Pages 3
1. Why was Starbucks so successfull? First of all, because I believe Starbucks' success is undoubtedly due to their focus on what customer service and employee satisfaction really means. A book I've read about this company, The Starbucks Experience, explains in great detail the foundation for this company's management strategies and how it's made them the success that they are today. In this company, the employees and customers are held much higher than in most organizations. According to a Hewitt Associates Starbucks Partner View Survey, Starbucks employees have an 82% job satisfaction rate. Starbucks's is one of the famous brand in the world in term of beverages, they are very successful because their coffeeshop are very a lot. They can make a coffee into a lifestyle that are very strategic and the market of the brand is very wide due to the increasing of consumption of coffee around the world. Secondly, one of the most important attributes of Starbucks is consistency and taste. Consistency because there’s no guessing what the product will be or how much it’ll cost. What’s more, you can be sure that the atmosphere is teriffic, there’ll be seats, outlets, and free WiFi. Then about the taste, the beverages espesialy coffee at Starbucks is what people love and makes people are willing to come back again and again. In other words, when you think about coffee you directly think about Starbucks.

2. How does Starbucks differ from other coffee house? One of Starbucks' biggest competitors is Excellso. McDonald's is also one of Starbucks' international competitors, especially in recent months now that they have introduced a new McCafe menu that includes espresso drinks as well as pastry items. Although this could be a devastating blow to Starbucks' sales as consumers are tightening their budgets, many will still willing to pay more for Starbucks's coffee

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