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Strategic Mangement


Submitted By mhdkv
Words 570
Pages 3
The H.J. Heinz Company, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is the most global of all U.S.-based food companies. Famous for our iconic brands on five continents, Heinz provides delicious, nutritious and convenient foods for families in 200 countries around the world. In more than 50 of those countries, we enjoy the number-one or number-two market position.

The H. J. Heinz Company, commonly known as Heinz and famous for its "57 Varieties" slogan and its ketchup, is a U.S. food company founded on 1869
Perhaps best known for its ketchup, the H.J. Heinz Company manufactures thousands of food products in plants on six continents, and markets these products in more than 200 countries and territories. The company claims to have 150 number one or number two brands worldwide.
Key Heinz markets are segmented as North American Consumer Products, U.S. Foodservice, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of World. The commitment to providing a variety of wholesome foods, with an unwavering emphasis on health and wellness, makes Heinz like no other company on earth.
Throughout the world, Heinz is synonymous with ketchup. They sell 650 million bottles of Heinz ketchup every year and approximately two single-serve packets of ketchup for every man, woman and child on the planet. For millions of families the world over, “if it isn’t Heinz, it isn’t ketchup.”
Beyond ketchup, Heinz also markets an ever-expanding selection of other great tasting foods. The core products include ketchup, sauces, meals, snacks, and infant/nutrition. Among them are our 15 Power Brands, which comprise approximately 70% of our global sales. Heinz is committed to enriching your family’s eating experience, whether you’re at home, dining out, or “on the go!”
At any given moment, on any given continent, the 35,000 employees of Heinz are hard at work...creating new products, perfecting fresh

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