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Sweet Water Informative Speech

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Hello my name is Gabriel Krikorian, and I am the mayor of this great town of Sweetwater Florida. Today we are celebrating one hundred great years off our town’s rich history. Our city comes from very humble beginnings, but has grown to be an amazing place. Although the great City of Sweetwater was officially started in 1941 when it was incorporated into Miami-Dade County, the history of our magnificent city goes further back into the 1920s. This area that we currently know and love as Sweetwater was originally land purchased by the Miami-Pittsburgh Land Company back in the early 1920s during the Florida land boom. The Miami-Pittsburg Land Corporation were the first people to plot out land for what they called the Sweetwater Groves, but due to the 1926 Hurricane and the bust of the South Florida real estate put an end to the project. This area is called Sweetwater because it was name after the water from the Everglades which is said to have a sweet taste when you drink it. …show more content…
Included in the other buyers of land there was a troupe of Russian midgets, who went by the name “Royal Russian Midgets”, looking for a retirement home after travelling with the circus. The “Royal Russian Midgets” were so famous that they performed in front of such impressive people like the Japanese imperial family, the Romanov’s, and General Chiang Kai-shek. These Russian midgets built houses that were scaled down to suit their needs. These inhabitants along with their houses gave the Sweetwater the nickname of the “midget”

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Jul 2, 2011

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