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Tattoos: What is considering acceptable and what is consider extreme? Viola Whatley Effective Essay Writing/ Com150 May 30, 2010 Alina Vanciu

Tattoos: What is considering acceptable and what is consider extreme? Have you ever wonder what is considering acceptable and what extreme are there when it comes to tattoos. People have seen how far tattoos involve over the past 15 years. One of the biggest problems with tattoos is in the work place. Does employee have the right to bear (arms) tattoos? Now people are creating an issue by judging other people appearance with tattoos. What do you think? Even though people have the rights to bear tattoos, they are creating a workplace issues. Tattoos are getting more and more common in work place. What is employer to do? For some employer, they have a dress code that employee have to go by. For others it depends on the employer industry and type of jobs that people have to do. For example, Walt Disney doesn’t allow it employees to use bandages to cover their tattoos, but they can use opaque makeup. Sea World specifies “non-conservative large or offensive tattoos and that tattoos will be evaluated on case-by-case basis. Wal-Mart specifies tattoos that are offensive or distractive are to be covered by clothing or other means” ( Christine Mlodzik , 2007 ). These were some employer outlook on tattoos in the work place. Just because employer has a dress does that make thing better for the employee. What happens if there is a person who is a great candidate for a position in your company. What would you do? Would you take the chances and give that person a job, even if he had tattoos that you could see. Would you give the job to a person who is less qualify because that person did not have tattoos. If you own your own business what would you do. When I got my tattoos the first thing came to my mind was put the tattoo where I could cover it up for my job. There are people who do not feel the same way, they think if they had a tattoo that cool. Even though we see people with tattoos, what do we really see? Then we ask our self why we are judging a person by their appearance is it because we assume the worst about a person with tattoos. Who gives us the right judge a person, we are not God. People in this world can be awful by assume the worst about a person with tattoos. Tattoos do not automatically mean a person has low morals or is a bad person. The saying “do not judge a book by its cover” in this instance is very true. People may have tattoos on the outside “cover” but you need to look inside “to see the pages”. (Lois Loff, 2010). Some people think a person with tattoos are gang members. That is not always true now and days. There are grandparents who are going to tattoo studios to get their first tattoo. The world has changed in the past 15 years on who has tattoos and who does not. Most people are showing their true colors and do not care what other people are thinking. Why should we care what someone else does to their body, it not affect are life. People who wants tattoos and what does tattoos say about that person. The first time you seen a person with a tattoo, did you think that person was unemployed, gang member, or even a drug dealer. Did you know that tattoos are becoming more socially acceptable. You now have all kinds of people with tattoos from pro football players, doctor, lawyer, actor/actress in Hollywood to your mom and dad. What do we think about these people having tattoos? Are we thinking bad about these people for having tattoos or not. Some people say tattoos can be addictive. I think if you ever get a tattoo, one of two things will happen. The first thing is that you will love your tattoo and want more tattoos. The other thing will be that you hate the plain of getting a tattoo and nerve want one again. For me I got my first tattoo when I was 18 years and my parents took me when I was on spring break, I love it. After that I could not wait to get my next tattoo. Now that I am 35, I have a total of nine tattoos on my body. The last tattoo I got was in memory of my dad after he passed away. I would have to say that one is my favorite out of all nine tattoos. The tattoo that most people ask me about is the one on my earlobe. I have two roses, one is blue and the other is red. People would tell me how much they like the tattoo on the ear. Everyone has their own ideal why they want a tattoo from impulse to a dare. The reason for tattoos varied as there are individuals. Whether you have a tattoo or not, if you know someone who does, it is important to realize that you do not know what that person’s reason are, unless he or she decides to tell you. (Dr. Charles Baldwin, 2010). Do you know why you got your tattoo? Does this make you think if you made the right choice. Remember if you do get a tattoo, that you are not happy with. You can have it laser removed. Some people think tattoos are extreme body modification and how tattoos are a growing trend among are youth today. In one point in time, a person with tattoos were consider been a rebel. Rebel were consider to be biker, prisoner, and sailor. Now tattoos are not consider to be a rebel because of how many are getting them. Everywhere you look now, people have tattoos. Tattoos are getting more common in are youth today. Tattoos are so common with teenager, that they are going underground to a tattoo before they are of age. I have seen a 14 and 16 year old boys with all kinds of tattoos on them. By the law you have to be at least 18 years to go to tattoo shop and have one put on. I know 17 year ago you had to have valid driver license or state identification and I know the law has not changed since then. How far do people go to the extreme to get a tattoo? Some people would think having a tattoos on the face would be extreme. There are some people getting difference types of tattoos on their faces as well their neck. I have seen a lot of young girls with a boy name on their neck and I ask myself what would happen if you broke up with that person. What about a job or your career when you get older. All of my tattoos are cover my clothes or my hair. How would you hide a tattoo on you face or neck? If you think about getting a tattoo on the face, you may have a difficult time finding an artist to do one. There are a lot studies that have policies against doing tattoos on the face. While there are studies that have policies against doing tattoos on the hands, feet, and the neck. By doing this studios are turn down potential business. Artist has to draw a line over which they will cross in order to protect their customer. I agree with the tattoo artist that have this policies. They would have to know how hard it will be to get a good pay job out there, if you had tattoos on your face or neck. I do not know how good makeup would work on cover your face and neck without showing thought. Also, if you are think about a tattoo on the face, you should think about the potential consequences of your action. Then think about are you ready to handle the reaction of the public for the rest of your life. (Karen L. Hudson, 2003). What do you think is extreme about tattoos? Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to extreme tattoos. Have you made a choice on what is considering acceptable or what is extreme when it comes to tattoos? There are the employer and the employee, who is right when it comes to tattoos in the work place. Do we have the right to judge a person with tattoos or not. We know now that most people who have tattoos are not gang members or even drug dealer, they could be your mom or your dad. The one thing we should remember not to judge a book by its cover. After all the reading about tattoos I did, the one thing I can say that tattoos do not make a person, a person makes a tattoos.

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