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Teach Young Athletes Research Paper

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Adolescent children whom have played sports most often have a good foundation of game knowledge and athletic skill. At this time, children experience many changes and adapt lessons into their lives. Because of this, I think it is essential to teach young athletes, and even their parents, that they must first try to be a good person before being a good athlete. From the book The Games People Play by Robert Ellis, the quote “whatever we gain from sport we also take some sense of identity,” perfectly summarizes how big of an impact sports can have on people’s lives, which is amplified in the adolescent stage of life (Ellis, 211). The three lessons I want to emphasize when I am a coach, to make athletes that are also good kids, are, always show respect, know that failure is going to occur, and put your full heart into what you do. …show more content…
Next, I think athletes should respect the facility that is being used by leaving it in better shape than they found it, and not by defacing it. Lastly, I want athletes to demonstrate respect by listening to coaches attentively and actively try to incorporate advice into their play. I want parents to also show respect by not interacting with opposing parents, players, nor officials negatively and letting coaches have control of their child during the game. Lastly, I, as a coach will show respect by listening to what an athlete has to say, having patience with people, and treating individuals

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