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Team Project Planning


Submitted By venicea44
Words 688
Pages 3
Team Project Planning

University of Phoenix
LDR531: Organizational Leadership
June 18, 2012
Barry Foster, Ph.D.

Team Project Planning Team purpose and composition are two components whose influence directly impact motivation, satisfaction and performance. As companies strive to find ways to increase efficiency and productivity the use of cross-functional teams has increased. This form of team structure includes in house and external members. Cross-functional teams work to achieve complex activities such as those found in marketing and production, ad campaigns, or program development. Added benefits of cross-functional teams include not only increased efficiency and productivity but added flexibility in utilization of resources such as personnel expertise and diversity. Barriers to success within cross-functional teams include individual differences such as priorities or objectives (Robbins & Judge, 2011).
Increasing motivation, satisfaction and performance
Factors which influence motivation and performance include choosing an appropriate structure. Thus, leadership within a cross-functional team requires a formal designation of team leader whose particular skills includes interpersonal facility and a significant position of power. Reasons for this designation are myriad, but significantly improve outcomes. The self-managed cross functional team tends to have more unresolved conflicts and a lower commitment to the team (Yukl, 2010).
Effective leaders will also provide a stimulus for developing, structuring, and promoting ideas within the team by providing clear objectives and the autonomy for development (Yukl, 2010). This process is enhanced by leaders in four different ways: organization, social integration with external contributors, providing a clear vision for achieving team objectives, and monitoring coordination of group

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