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Thai Massage


Submitted By JHJEANG
Words 1377
Pages 6
한국타이마사지협회(에 따르면 2007년 8월 현재 전국에 모두 69 곳의 태국 마사지 숍이 개점되었다. 이 협회는 서울을 포함해 13개의 지부를 전국에 개설하고 있다
태국 마사지가 저변을 확대하고 있는 원인으로는 우선 마사지 문화가 발달되어 있는 태국 여행이 많아진 것을 들 수 있다. 한국인 태국 관광객 수는 이미 1년에 100만명을 이미 돌파했다. 또 웰빙이라는 사회적 트렌드와 함께 업무 피로로 인한 스트레스 해소도 이유가 될 것이다. 태국 마사지의 경쟁력도 중요한 원인으로 꼽을 수 있다.

Thai Orchid

Thai Orchid
Thai Traditional Massage

Feasibility Plan Prepared By

이 성 화
상경계열 4학년

Date Prepared

2003년 4월 14일


Venture Description

젊은 층을 대상으로 태국 전통 마사지를 제공하는 서비스업.


기존의 안마 시술소나 피부 관리실에서만 행해지던 마사지를 젊은 층의 휴식 및 놀이 문화로 전환시켜, 쾌적한 까페와 같은 분위기에서, 태국 전통의 전신 마사지, 발 마사지, 얼굴 마사지 등을 제공하는 서비스. 부대적으로, 태국식 아로마 테라피 용품을 비롯한 건강, 미용 용품 판매.

The Market

이 사업이 진출할 시장은 아직 존재하지 않으나, 미용실, 피부 관리실 등이 유사한 시장이라고 볼 수 있음.

Start-up Costs


Price & Profitability

점포 임대 비용, 내부 인테리어 비용, 관련 설비 구입비용, 수건 및 장비 구입비용, 종업원 교육 비용


Concept of the Service
태국 전통 마사지는 근육을 대상으로 하는 유럽의 마사지와는 달리 몸을 통해 흐르는 에너지의 중요한 경선들에 집중하여, 신체를 조화롭게, 막혀있는 혈관을 뚫어주고, 에너지 선들을 따라 부족함을 보충하는 방식. 스트레칭을 통한 치료법으로 신체의 압점에 작용하는 것으로 경직된 근육을 완화하고 혈액순환을 자극함. 사업 모델의 태국 전통 마사지는 전신 마사지, 발 마사지, 얼굴 마사지 등 3개의 서비스로 이루어짐.

Stage of Development
태국의 Wat Pho Thai Traditional Massage School의 프로그램을 토대로 종업원 교육 프로그램 구축. 전문 마사지사 양성.

Service Limitations
마사지사-고객의 1대 1 서비스인 만큼, 노동집약적이고, 임금 비중이 큼. 태국 현지 네트워크를 통해 숙련 마사지사의 채용이 중요함.

Related Products/Services and Spin-Offs
마사지 서비스로부터 시작해, 태국 전통 아로마 테라피, 허브 등의 건강 및 미용 상품 판매, 태국 관련 상품 판매로 사업 범위를 넓혀갈 수 있음. 브랜드와 태국 현지 네트워크를 통해, 태국음식 전문 식당, 태국 액세서리 전문점 등도 확장 가능한 사업 영역임.


Current Industry Size
첫 점포가 위치할 상권인 신촌 지역은 1일 15~6만 명의 유동인구를 형성하고 있으며, 이 중 사업의 타겟 고객이 될 20~30대는 82.7%로 조사됨. 잠재고객 pool이 사업의 1일 수용 가능 고객인 300명의 430배에 이름.

Growth Potential of the Industry

젊은 층의 휴식, 놀이, 문화 공간이 턱없이 부족한 현실에서, 태국 전통 마사지 사업을 친구, 연인들과 함께 즐길 수 있는 놀이 문화로서 포지셔닝할 경우, 잠재 성장성은 매우 클 것으로 예상됨.

Industry Trends

사회적으로, 건강과 미용에 대한 관심이 증대되고 있으며, 연간 태국 여행객 수가 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 현상도 이 사업의 성장에 긍정적인 영향을 줄 것임. 태국 전통 마사지는 태국 패키지 여행의 필수 코스로 포함되어 있으며, 경험자의 대부분은 독특한 방식의 태국 마사지의 효능에 대해 호감을 갖고 있음.

Competition Profile

사업 특성상 후발 주자의 진입이 용이하나, 초기 진입을 통한 시장 선점과 브랜드 구축, 그리고 태국 현지와의 강력한 네트워크는 경쟁에서 우위를 점할 수 있는 요인으로 작용할 것임.

Customer Profile

10대 후반의 고등학생부터 30대 초반의 직장인이 잠재 고객임.

Target Markets

함께 즐길 수 있는 놀이문화를 찾는 연인, 친구들이 주 타겟 고객층이 될 것이며, 이미 태국에서 태국 전통 마사지를 경험했던 여행객들을 고객으로 확보할 수 있을 것임.

Market Penetration

초기에는 제품에 대한 소비자 교육을 통한 욕구 창출에 중점을 둔 마케팅 전략으로 시장을 창출하고, 이후 강력한 브랜드와 노하우, 전문 인력을 바탕으로 프랜차이즈 체인점 확장을 통해 강력한 브랜드 이미지를 구축할 것임.


Price and Profitability Analysis
연세대학교 학생들을 대상으로 한 Focus Group Interview를 통해 전신 마사지 서비스에 대해 고객이 지불할 용의가 있는 가격을 책정함. 전문 마사지 센터의 전신 마사지 요금(70,000원 / 시간), 발 마사지 요금(60,000원 / 시간)이나 전문 피부미용실의 얼굴 마사지 요금(50,000원 / 1회) 보다 경쟁력 있는 가격임.
전신 마사지 : 20,000원 / 시간
발 마사지 : 15,000원 / 시간
얼굴 마사지 30,000원 / 1회

Sales Estimate
Sales는 고객 수용 가능 설비 및 인력과 밀접한 연관이 있을 것임.
개업시, 침대 20개 규모의 설비와 인력을 갖춰, 오전 10시부터 저녁 8시까지 10시간 동안 28일간 영업하고, 60% 의 점유율을 달성할 경우 월 매출은 7천3백만원 정도임.

Cost of Service
초기투자 비용은 약 2억5천만원으로 예상됨.

|매장 보증금 |6천만원 |
|매장 권리금 |1억2천만원 |
|인테리어 및 시설투자 |3천만원 |
|태국 현지 계약 관련 |3천만원 |
|초기 마케팅 비용 |1천만원 |

(임대료 관련 source : 점포라인)

월 지출 비용은 약 3천만원으로 예상됨. (자세한 재무 분석은 뒤에 첨부함)

|인건비 |2천만원 |
|재료비 |2.5백만원 |
|점포 월세를 포함한 관리비 |3백만원 |
|마케팅 비용 |5백만원 |

고객 점유율에 따른 예상 매출총이익은 아래와 같음.

|고객 점유율 |매출액 |비용 |순이익 |
|30% | 35,700,000원 | 30,000,000원 | 5,700,000 원 |
|40% |47,600,000원 | 30,000,000 원 | 17,600,000 원 |
|50% |59,500,000 원 | 30,000,000 원 | 29,500,000 원 |
|60% |71,400,000 원 | 30,000,000 원 | 41,400,000 원 |
|70% |83,300,000원 |30,000,000 원 |53,300,000 원 |
|80% |98,560,000 원 |30,000,000 원 |68,560,000 원 |
|90% |110,880,000 원 |30,000,000 원 |80,880,000 원 |

Financial Projections


Needed Capital
초기 투자 자본금 중 1억원은 가족으로부터 투자를 받기로 하고, 구체화된 사업계획서를 바탕으로 태국 현지 기업과 엔젤 투자자로부터 나머지 자본금을 투자 받을 것임.

Entrepreneur’s Role
이 사업의 성패 여부는 전문 마사지사를 확보하고, 효과적인 마케팅 전략을 수립하는 데 있음.
사업 초기에는 마사지 프로그램 도입과 마사지사 채용, 마케팅 수행 등이 창업가의 주요한 역할이 될 것이며, 이후, 브랜드 구축 및 프랜차이즈 사업 확장과 태국 관련, 건강관련 사업모델 창출로 확대될 것임.

Business Plan
사업 구상을 구체화한 비즈니스 플랜이 작성될 것임.

License Potential
마사지업계에서 통용되는 별도의 License가 요구되지 않으나, 종업원들의 현지 교육을 통해 태국 마사지 교육기관에서 발행하는 Certificate을 보유하도록 할 것임.

Corporate Partners
창업가의 네트워크를 바탕으로, 태국 Wat Pho Thai Traditional Massage School, 태국 BMP Co.은 사업 모델 구축 과정에서 동반자적 관계를 유지할 것이며, 한국의 동남아시아 전문 여행사 Travel Guerilla, 태국 관련 최대 인터넷 사이트 Thailove와는 효과적인 상호 마케팅을 위한 협력관계를 맺을 것임.

Infrastructure Members
BMP Co.이 현지 네트워크의 구심적인 역할을 하며, 마사지사 채용과 현지 교육 프로그램을 지원할 것임. 3명 정도의 숙련 마사지사의 확보가 필수적임.

Financial Projection
|Revenue | |Year 1 |Year2 |Year3 |
| | | |Q1 |
| | |Q1 |Q2 |Q3 |Q4 |
| |원제품은 상품 매출의 50% | | | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | | | |
| |Promotion : 매출의 10% | | | | |

|Capital Expenditure |Year 1 |Year2 |Year3 |
| | |Q1 |Q2 |

| |Q1 |Q2 |Q3 |Q4 |Q5 |Q6 |Q7 |Q8 |Q9 |Q10 |Q11 |Q12 | |필요 인원 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |숙련 마사지사 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | 6 | 10 | 10 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | | |마사지사 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 10 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | | |보조 마사지사 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 7 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | | |Admin | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1인당 급여 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |숙련 마사지사 |7,500,000 | 7,500,000 | 7,500,000 | 7,500,000 | 8,250,000 | 8,250,000 | 8,250,000 | 8,250,000 | 9,075,000 | 9,075,000 | 9,075,000 | 9,075,000 | | |마사지사 |4,800,000 | 4,800,000 | 4,800,000 | 4,800,000 | 5,280,000 | 5,280,000 | 5,280,000 | 5,280,000 | 5,808,000 | 5,808,000 | 5,808,000 | 5,808,000 | | |보조 마사지사 |2,400,000 | 2,400,000 | 2,400,000 | 2,400,000 | 2,640,000 | 2,640,000 | 2,640,000 | 2,640,000 | 2,904,000 | 2,904,000 | 2,904,000 | 2,904,000 | | |Admin |3,600,000 | 3,600,000 | 3,600,000 | 3,600,000 | 3,960,000 | 3,960,000 | 3,960,000 | 3,960,000 | 4,356,000 | 4,356,000 | 4,356,000 | 4,356,000 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |교육비 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |태국 유학 | | | | 6,000,000 | | 8,000,000 | | 10,000,000 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |급여(COGS) |60,900,000 | 60,900,000 | 60,900,000 |93,300,000 |176,220,000 |184,220,000 |209,220,000 |219,220,000 |484,605,000 |484,605,000 |484,605,000 |484,605,000 | |급여(G&A) | 3,600,000 | 3,600,000 | 3,600,000 | 3,600,000 | 7,920,000 | 7,920,000 | 7,920,000 | 7,920,000 | 21,780,000 | 21,780,000 | 21,780,000 | 21,780,000 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Note 1 : 1인당 급여 | | | | | | | | | | | | |숙련 마사지사 : 2백5십만원 / 월 | | | | | | | | | | | | |마사지사 : 160만원 / 월 | | | | | | | | | | | | |보조 마사지사 : 80만원 / 월 | | | | | | | | | | | | |Admin : 120만원 / 월 | | | | | | | | | | | | |연 10% 인상 | | | | | | | | | | | | |

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...revitalization and peace. Please take a few moments to answer a few questions below. 1) Do you take a few minutes each day to quiet your mind and breathe deeply? a. Yes b. No 2) Are you familiar with: Very Familiar Somewhat Familiar No c. Aromatherapy and its benefits d. Hot stone massage e. Oriental Foot Massage f. Acupuncture g. Thai Yoga Massage h. Yoga exercise i. Spa Parties j. How to change your nutrition habits 3) Which of these services are you most likely to choose? k. Aromatherapy - mixture of natural oils inhaled or rubbed into the body to bring about psychological or physical wellbeing. l. Hot stone massage – heated stones are placed at strategic points on your back and the stones warm and relax the muscles. It is believed to improve circulation and calm the nervous system. m. Oriental Foot Massage – a form of reflexology bringing healing through pressure points on sole and to of feet. n. Acupuncture – ancient Chinese healing through insertion of needle in certain points of the body. o. Thai Yoga Massage – being stretched by the massage therapist to relive muscle tension and stress p. Yoga exercise – different levels of yoga q. Spa parties – a day experience at the spa with friends in your own room sipping samosas. r. Nutrition – tips on how to change your eating habits 4) How...

Words: 403 - Pages: 2

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...CASELET 1 EMBASSY BAR ALLOWED TO REOPEN Questions: 1. What relevant Social Issues were depicted in the Embassy case? 2. What impact will the new city ordinance have on Embassy’s business operations? 3. If you were the Marketing manager of Embassy, what measures are you going to institute so as to make Embassy remain as a popular “Hang-out” among teens? Answers: 1. The relevant social issues that were depicted in the Embassy case is about their limitation in serving liquors or alcoholic drinks which is patron by those customers were a certain condition are order for them to be allowed in resuming their operations. 2. The impact that the new city of ordinance will have on embassy business operations will be an effective and efficient flow the business as they follow the conditions given to them. 3. If I am the marketing manager of embassy, the measures that I will be going to institute so as to make embassy remain as a popular “having-out among teens is that I must lessen or limit the serving of alcoholic drinks which will give a bad effect on teenagers” health. Instead, I will suggest serving new drinks that will be loved by teens such as juices or beverages that has only a small time I’ll suggest to serve foods which will be a good compliment to new drinks that I suggested. CASELET 2 MATTEL ISSUES NEW MASSIVE CHINA TOY RECALL ABOUT 9 MILLION ITEMS RECALLED; DANGER FROM MAGNETS AND LEAD PAINT Questions: 1. What do the recalls of various...

Words: 2507 - Pages: 11

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Bangkok Nightlife

...ACCOMMODATION DURING HOLIDAYS 1.1 Medium & long-term residents 1.1.1 Grand President 1.1.2 Centrepoint Serviced Apartments 1.2 Short time hotels 1.2.1 Playboy Hotel (PB Hotel) 1.2.2 Penthouse Hotel 1.2.3 Asoke Place 1.2.4 Street 1 lodge (Sukhumvit Soi 1) 1.2.5 Dynasty Inn. 1.3 Major Hotels 1.3.1 JW Marriott 1.3.2 Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit 1.3.3 Landmark Hotel 1.4 Others 1.4.1 Rembrandt Hotel 1.4.2 Nana Hotel 1.4.3 Manhattan Hotel MASSAGE PARLORS 2.1 Thai Traditional Massage (TTM) 2.2 Soapy massage 2.2.1 First Class MPs 2.2.2 Option 2 2.2.3 Option 3 2.2.4 Others 2.2.5 Remarks on models and sideliners 2.2.6 Remarks on a sandwich service 2.2.7 Remarks on youth and services provided 2.2.8 MP girls saying NO to a certain customer 2.3 Eden Club vs. Darlings? 2.4 Pattaya MPs 2.5 Oil Massage 2.5.1 Barons Barber Shop 2.5.2 Euro Inn PUBS AND BEER BARS 3 Pubs and beer bars 3.1 Sukhumvit Rd. 3.2 Patpong No. 1 4 Specialty bars and karaoke JOINTS 4.1 Counter 1 and 2 4.2 Star of Lights 4.3 Lolitas 4.4 EDEN Club 5 Dance Clubs 5.1 CM2 5.2 La Lunar 5.3 Bed 5.4 Club Orbit 6 Go-go clubs 6.1 Patpong 6.2 Thaniya Plaza 6.3 Nana Plaza 6.4 Soi Cowboy 6.5 How to avoid the pushy GGgirls? MEMBER Clubs and KTVs/PR Clubs 7 MEMBER Clubs and KTVs/PR Clubs 7.1 Exotica 7.2 Piano 7.3 Club 487 7.4 Chateau Blanc 7.5 Spice Club 7.6 The Club 7.7 FAQs on member clubs 8 Freelancers 8.1 Siam Hotel 8.2 Grace Hotel 8.3 How to behave with a freelancer? 9 Transportation 9.1 The useful BTS Skytrain 9.2 Taxi from...

Words: 57417 - Pages: 230

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Army Fitness and Wellness

...ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, we would like to thank the Lord for giving us the strength we need in making our feasibility study. We will forever be reminded and eternally grateful of His kind and caring heart. Secondly, we would like to thank our dear parents who supported us along the way, for giving us the encouragement to go on. To our friends who had helped us, by giving assistance and suggestions, thank you. To those people we weren’t able to mention, who in their own way had helped us in making this feasibility study a success, thank you so much. Table of Contents Content Page no. Project Summary …………………………………………….. Market Study …………………………………………….. Technical Study ……………………………………….……. Financial Study …………………………………………….. Management Study ………….…………………………………. Socio-Economic Study ………….………………………………….. Accounting System …..………………………………………… Appendix …..………………………………………… List of Figure/Tables ……………….……………………………. Curriculum Vitae …………………………………………….. PROJECT SUMMARY PROJECT SUMMARY Fitness There are thousands of people in Baguio City specifically men, who actually hit the gym to exercise and maintain their physical fitness. With the number of people consciously aware that they need to flex and stretch their muscles regularly, investing and starting a fitness business was considered...

Words: 11621 - Pages: 47

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What?? writing to express my interest in the position of Cook, Ref no. 483C, as advertised on I am an experienced cook and have worked in the kitchen at the Franksville RSL Club for the past three years. It is a high-turnover environment where members of the team each have their responsibilities, but we all chip in with whatever needs to be done and work closely together. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are an essential part of the job, and I am valued for my energetic and enthusiastic approach to work. With over five years of experience working in professional kitchens, I am adept at all aspects of food preparation and cooking, and at the RSL Club the dishes I prepare include gourmet salads, steak and chips, Thai curry, grilled fish, lamb, soba noodles and stir-fry. This is only a small sample of my repertoire, which is wide-ranging. I also hold a Food Handlers Certificate and pride myself on maintaining the highest standards of food hygiene. After I graduated from high school, I also travelled for one year around the world, working in pubs, cafes and restaurants as I went. That experience taught me so much about the cooking and hospitality industry and every role in it. I developed my skills in cooking, cleaning and customer service and, most importantly, team work. I have been passionate about food and cooking my whole life. My strengths as a cook are in modern Australian and Asian-influenced dishes, and Neil Perry and Tetsuya Wakuda are my...

Words: 3300 - Pages: 14

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Market Analysis for Spa

...types of spa in the Sri Lanka are Day Spa and the Destination Spa over couple of years. Destination spa is method mainly carryout by hotels since it needs to arrange set of programs that customer should follow for several days. Day Spa mainly consist therapies and massages that can be have within few hours to few minutes that can be arrange in a place in even urban area. This type of spa provides a various services that has propose of improving health, beauty and stress reliving with relaxation techniques. Commonly it contains, * Massage services * Wet rooms * Steam rooms * Sauna * Body Works * Facials * Pedicures and Waxing . Company Summery ‘LifeLine’ Spa is a new destination offering customers the unique combination of massage, body and energy work, and training, all in one beautifully serene setting. It’s located in the heart of Nugegoda city next to the main road that can customers easily reach. The spa has several comfortable treatment rooms with the finest spa linens and equipments. It provides the customers with a wide variety of services. It offers services like aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, Thai massage, Indian head massage, and deep clean facial for men as well as sport massage along with many other services and skincare products for men. The spa has a wide range of anti-aging products, but does not offer services for hair cutting,...

Words: 2923 - Pages: 12

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...more readily than text. * You assemble things from illustrated instructions. | * When taking notes, create concept maps, mind maps, and other visuals (see Chapter 5: Notes). * Code your notes by using different colors to highlight main topics, major points, and key details. * Before you try a new task, visualize yourself doing it well. | photographer, interior decorator, engineer, cartographer | Bodily/kinesthetic | * You enjoy physical exercise. * You tend not to sit still for long periods of time. * You enjoy working with your hands. | * Carry materials with you, and practice studying in several different locations. * Notice the sensations involved with learning something well. | physical therapist, chiropractor, massage therapist | Musical/rhythmic | * You often sing in the car or shower. *...

Words: 555 - Pages: 3

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Industry Organization Product and Service

...internship in Tender Care Rehab Center. It’s situated in very convenient location of Mississauga. Tender care is a multispecialty physiotherapy center starts from acupuncture, chiropractor, massage therapy and physiotherapy. It includes electrotherapy department (TENS, Ultrasound, Contrast bath) and exercise therapy department (Treadmill, Bike, CPM and dumbbell, pulley). Clinic also deals with orthotics and prosthesis. Tender care also provide free transportation service for their physically disable patients. The clinic treats the patients like orthopaedic, neurological, geriatrics and paediatrics, burns cases. Tender care mostly deals with the motor vehicle accident cases that include multiple fractures. Our supervisor Mrs. Saloni bookseller is registered physiotherapist. She has finished her graduation from India. She has come to Canada before 4 years and she has fulfilled the requirement to practice physiotherapy in Canada. She manages this clinic from last 2 years. Best thing about her is she always takes each case uniquely and provides the best rehabilitation programme for the same. She always challenge the patients to effort more which gives the quick results. There are two assistants who manage all the documentation work regarding to the insurance and appointments for the massage therapy and acupuncture. Provide a detailed description of your job, including responsibilities, role with the organizational hierarchy, required experience and certifications (if...

Words: 740 - Pages: 3

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Marketing Plan Mm522

... 2.1 Market Summary SCV Wellness Center provides complete trauma therapy for men and women in the Santa Clarita Valley area who suffer from trauma related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We will also treat patients who require physical or psychological therapy due to stress and or injury. 2.1.1 Market Demographics Our critical market segment will include veterans returning from war who are having difficulty adjusting to the physical and or psychological damage suffered during their tour of duty. 2.1.2 Market Needs SCV Wellness Center will provide a wide variety of therapy services, including Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, Speech-Language therapy, and Massage. We will also offer counseling by licensed therapist for depression, anger management, anxiety disorder, and a variety of other stress related issues....

Words: 894 - Pages: 4

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Day Spa Business Plan

...Summary………………………………………………………... 3 2. Vision and Mission Statement…………………………………………....... 4 3. Company Overview……………………………………………………….... 5 4. Products/Service Plan…………………………………………………….... 6 5. Marketing Plan……………………………………………………………... 7 6. Management Plan…………………………………………………………... 10 7. Operating Plan……………………………………………………………... 11 8. Financial Plan………………………………………………………………. 12 Executive Summary Day Spa is a new upscale destination in LA, offering a complete day spa experience. We offer seven chic, ultra-comfortable treatment rooms with the finest spa linens and equipment. We offer massage in a variety of styles - traditional Swedish massage, Deep Tissue work, Hot Stone Massage, Reflexology, Sports, Pregnancy and others. We also offer facial and body treatments, like a Vitamin C Antioxidant Facial and Sea salt scrubs. The day spa has the latest in anti-aging products and techniques but does not offer services on hair such as cutting, styling and coloring. The only time a pedicure would be provided, is when it's part of a full treatment, such as the deluxe Foot and Leg Reflexology Treatment. In fact, for location, we prefer being located near hair and nail salon for co-marketing opportunities. This business plan has been developed to track progress prior to grand opening and following through with a five-year projection. In addition, this plan has been written to secure...

Words: 1994 - Pages: 8

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...Introduction 4 Marketing Segment 4 Target Market 4 SWOT Analysis 5 Strengths 5 Weaknesses 6 Opportunities 6 Threats 7 Market Position 7 Summary 7 Marketing Plan Introduction This is a marketing plan Spa Connections Unlimited, a health spa on wheels that is geared toward senior’s citizens that are 55 years and older located in the Atlanta Metropolitan area. Our spa will offer a wide variety of mind and body healing services and products. Our aspect of the business will be to provide spa services for both males and females seeking any type of spa services. The spa business is devoted to providing holistic methods of massage, body work, and energy work. This is all done in a relaxing, serene setting right in the comfort of our clients own home. Marketing Segment Aging is a natural process and brings with it benefits of wisdom and clarity we lack in earlier years. With almost 40 million people in the United States already over 65 and a large group of baby boomers rapidly approaching their senior years, spas have begun to recognize that this a category of customers have long been neglected. A day at the spa is a blissful indulgence enjoyed by young and old alike. Spa Connections Unlimited realizes...

Words: 4845 - Pages: 20