Premium Essay

The Bass The River And Sheila Mant Summary

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I am reading “The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant” by W.D. Whetherell. The story is about a boy who likes to fish and also likes a girl name Sheila. When he found out that she thinks fishing is dumb he tries to hide the fishing rod and ends up catching a fish and tries to take the attention off of it. In this journal i will be questioning and evaluating.

I wonder if the boy will pick the fish or Sheila. I think he will pick the fish. Some examples for why i think he will pick the fish is this is the biggest fish he has ever caught. He spends time in the summer fishing a lot and he knows a lot about it. He enjoys to fish and he automatically thinks of it. Some examples of why he might pick Sheila is because he likes her a lot. He likes her figure and her face features. He watches her do activities, her moods, how she acts. When he asks her on a date to go to a concert, they end up taking a canoe …show more content…
i think he i fearless because he got the courage to asked her out on a date to a concert. And they canoed all the way there instead of driving. He had a problem, he had a fish hooked onto his rod. It was dragging behind the boat and he was more worried about the fish. Until he cut the rod and then letting the fish go and talking to Sheila. I think the boy is also passionate because he got a canoe already for Sheila and to go to the concert. He was also passionate about Sheila. By asking her out and going to a concert with her. By taking a canoe they can spend more time together and thinking it would be a good time. He brought his fishing things on the canoe not thinking she thinks it’s dumb. He brought up random facts about fish. He knows a ton about fish and spent the whole summer fishing. He didn’t want to cut the rod when he caught the fish but ended up doing because Sheila doesn’t like fishing and he likes her a lot. I think the narrator is fearless and passionate because he cuts the rod and focuses on

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