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The Law of Iran


Submitted By spiceman
Words 416
Pages 2
The law of the Islamic Republic of Iran hinges on the state constitution called the Qanun-e Asasi which received approval after a national referendum in December 1979. As expressed in Article four of that body of law, the standards for Islamic judgment or decisions must be in accordance with the Qanun-e Assai. The Iranian House of parliament, or the Islamic Consultative Assembly, a body of law makers charged with the responsibility of drafting Islamic laws for the Islamic Republic, must only draft laws compatible with Islamic standards. Arguably, the Council of Guardians, as an Islamic watch group, has ultimate control over the Islamic laws the assembly passes. Because of the complex nature of the law that governs the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is necessary for criminal justice professionals in the United States to understand the principles of justice as related to Islamic law, its basic concepts, and the foundation on which such body of law rests.
According to Mehran (2001) “Muslims agree that the establishment of an Islamic state requires the implementation of Islamic principles and laws” (p. 1). In the Islamic Republic of Iran, the supreme leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, and his followers made clear doctrinal justifications for unchallenged Islamic rules to guarantee strict political command and with many specified standard of authority. ‘By emphasizing communal interest in legislation and establishing an extensive institutional mechanism of legal control, the clerics gradually marginalized the Shari’ah and sacrificed the Islamic notion of universality of law for legal territoriality” (Mehran, 2001, p. 1).
In Iran, the Qanun-e Asasi is the most authoritative source of rights for the Islamic people. The Qanun-e Asasi or the Islamic state constitution gave the people the right of freedom of speech, the rights to assemble, the rights to education, and the rights

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