Premium Essay

The Moral Dilemma


Submitted By sabraham1
Words 1449
Pages 6

201440 Fall 2014


Benji Watson was a graduate student of a Christian college and was near the top of his class in his MBA program. He was fortunate enough to be recruited by several companies. He had the opportunity of a lifetime to not only be chased by companies right out of college but to be offered an all-expense paid weekend to get to know one of them. He accepted the invitation and while traveling to the location took advantage of the time and began doing some research on the company.

New Gen Corporation at first was a great company and he saw a lot of positive thing about them. He did however read about some things that were questionable. He by the end of the trip had to make decision accept the offered position and $80,000 salary plus commission or not. We will discuss Benjis’ situation from both a spiritual and ethical perspective.

Benji was presented with a lot from the beginning he was at the top of his class with people chasing him with job opportunities. He accepting a once in a life time chance to have an all-expenses paid trip while being wooed by a big corporation and was excited to learn about them. While he was on his journey to destination he decided to research the company that he would be connecting with over the weekend. He began seeing some great reports on Neu Gen Corporation the financial stats and how they sent their researchers all over the world in order to locate new beneficial health resources to create their product and how great the ethics code was that they lived by. Those are things that made him excited.

There were however reports that were less favorable which informed readers that the company forced distributors into bankruptcy because of the companies

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