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The Role of Transformational Leadership in Organizational Change


Submitted By patto
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Pages 2


In the recent past, the global business environment has become turbulent characterized by a number of rapid changes. Senior and Swailes (2010) posit that “there is a relationship between the level of environmental turbulence and forces for change”. This has placed hyper-competitive demands for organizational change where organizational leaders are faced with the experience and challenge of whether they have an option when it comes to change (Boston 2000).

However; despite the importance for organizational change, Durant (1999) notes that 60% - 70% of all organizational change projects fail with tremendous cost implications to the organizations in resources, time, money, etc. This has given rise to growing concerns at this time when change has become a norm in the life of organizations as a strategy for competitiveness and sustainability in response to the business environment (Connor et al 2003).

Durant (1999) posits that one of main reasons for failed organizational change projects is linked to the role of leaders in organizational change. It is no doubt that organizational change involves complex and challenging change processes; thus, the imperative role of leadership been noted as key in addressing the complex and challenging issues of organizational change (Kennedy 2000).

Senior & Fleming (2006) in discussing the role of leadership in organizational change posits organizational leader as an agent of change shouldered with the responsibility of taking the initiatives and practical steps needed in bringing the desired change in the organization. This brings us to a very important question: What kind of organizational leadership is imperative for successful organizational change?

Having acknowledged the strategic role of leadership in organizational change, it therefore

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