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Three Men in a Boat


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Critical Essay

...Comparison of Stephen Crane's "The Open Boat" and Jack London's "To Build a Fire" Two prominent American literature works, Stephen Crane’s “The Open Boat” and Jack London’s “To Build a Fire” portray the man vs. nature theme. These two pieces are alike and different in many ways. I can agree and disagree on the survival methods used by both authors, although Crane’s methods seemed a bit more questionable. While nature seemed to toy with the crew of the boat in “The Open Boat”, the old man in “To Build a Fire” seems to toy with nature by ignoring its signs to stop and to relinquish his failing journey. In the following paragraphs I’d like to get into the trenches of these two adventure stories. These two authors share similar traits when it comes to connections and reasons for writing these stories. Stephen Crane wrote “The Open Boat” based on a real life experience he went through. It was on December 31, 1896 when Crane left the Florida panhandle en-route for Cuba. His mission was to cover the war as a correspondent. On January 2, his ship sank and he and the other three crew members were forced to make the rest of the 30 hour trip in a small dinghy back to the United States (SN). This real life experience compares to Jack London’s real life journey through the Yukon Territory in 1897, around the same time as Crane’s sea adventure. London scavenged the area with others around that time in search for gold (Rees). While the gold rush was ultimately not as successful as he had...

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...The Giza pyramids were the burial places for the Forth Dynasty kings Khufu, Khafre and Menkoure. These pyramids were erected on a rocky plateau west of the Nile River in North Egypt. King Khufu’s complex was the largest of the three and it consisted of five boat pits, Queens’ pyramid and numerous mastabas for Khufu’s relatives and men. The most northern pyramid belongs to Khufu, this complex is known as the Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid is the largest piece of evidence to still stand; in addition many people have visited this sight and recorded information on the structure. Further more there is ancient archaeological and written evidence still available King Khufu’s choice in location was the Giza Plateau, he decided on this site because it had many advantages. The benefits were that it is above the river valley and he ground was nearly flat. Lastly there was a lot of local limestone, which they used to construct the pyramids. The structure was originally built 140m tall and 140m wide, unfortunately due to the caliphs stealing he stones to build Cairo in the ninth century Ad the blocks were stolen. Sources speculate that each block weighed between 2.3 tons and 2.6 tons and the whole complex was said to have been built out of 2 300 00 blocks. “Cheops (Khufu) brought the country into all sorts of misery. He closed all the temples, then, not content with excluding his subjects from the practice of their religion, compelled them without exception to labour as slaves for...

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