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Toyota Corporation Financials


Submitted By lance77
Words 3136
Pages 13
University of La Verne
BUS 330: Business Finance

Toyota Motor Corporation (TM)
F/S Ratio Analysis Case

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Toyota Motors Corporation is a Japanese automotive manufacturer. Its headquarters are in Toyota, Aichi, Japan. Toyota was the largest automobile manufacturer in the 12th largest companies in the world by revenue. Furthermore, in 2012 Toyota was the largest manufacturer by production, of which, it was ahead of General Motors and Volkswagen Group. Toyota is a multinational corporation with a rough estimate of 330,000+ employees worldwide. A fun fact about Toyota is that, it is the world’s first automobile manufacturer to produce more than 10 million vehicles per year. In addition, Toyota was the largest listed company in Japan. This rank was taken by market capitalization and by revenue. It was worth more than twice as much as the second listed company. Toyota is not only in the automobile business, they have also ventured into other business areas like: Manufacture and sales of textile machinery, materials handling equipment, as well as into the logistics business. “Toyota Industries strives to enhance its corporate governance based on the belief that maintaining and improving management efficiency and the fairness and transparency of its corporate activities is of utmost importance” (Toyota). Toyota has a divisional organization system, with significant authorities delegated to each of the business divisions; furthermore, Toyota has established the BOC, which stands for Business Operations Committee. The BOC was established for crucial matters. It basically enables the president to meet with the heads of each of the business divisions regularly to monitor their business execution. Other issues, related to quality, production, procurement and technologies are discussed at functional meetings. Toyota has very complex

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