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Trauma Informed Practices

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Trauma-Informed Practices Within Foster Care
Marya Feldt
Washburn University

Trauma-Informed Practices Within Foster Care Adolescents within the foster care system have experienced reportedly more traumatic events than the average person. These adverse experiences may be the result of poor family environments, sexual, physical, or psychological abuse which could lead to the placement of children in the foster care system. However, often traumatic experiences do not end with the placement of an adolescent into a new home. Adolescents face numerous stressors when placed in foster care, including fear of separation from siblings, friends, communities and confusion about the future (Conradi et al., 2011).
Trauma experienced …show more content…
Maximizing safety for children and families includes not only meeting physical, but also psychological needs. Children and families that have experienced traumatic events often learn to adapt or cope by using rebellious or defiant behaviors. These adverse behaviors are not to be labeled as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, as these actions are the reflection of the traumatic experience they endured (NCTSN, 2013). Through allowing children and families the opportunity to make decisions about aspects of their case plans, they may feel more psychologically safe because they are aware and in control of the steps that are to follow. It is also crucial for the helping professional to assist the children and families with discussing the preexisting traumatic stressors and develop positive coping strategies for these triggers. Professionals that strive to practices trauma-informed care must ensure the child’s safety through the transition periods of foster care (NCTSN, 2013). Understanding the reality of trauma within the lives of those they serve will help professionals to continue offering effective care without retraumatizing the individual(s). The second essential element to trauma-informed care is identifying trauma-related needs of children and families. This can be done with initial intakes that include trauma assessments and addressing the …show more content…
Each of these elements focus on enhancing the welfare of the child, family, and professional to ensure the psychological well-being of everyone throughout the services. It is crucial that children, family, and professionals are informed on the adverse effects that speaking and learning about the trauma of one’s self and others can cause. Learning about the potential of negative feelings, triggers, and positive coping strategies can help foster better relationships between the youth, family, and professional. Realizing and discussing that strengths of everyone and the resilience of individuals that have faced trauma allows for positive reinforcement of the coping strategies that seem to be

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