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Two Differents Types of Stress


Submitted By jeannie27
Words 588
Pages 3
There are two different kinds of stress. They both affect the body and the mind differently. Acute stress occurs when the nervous system is activated to stimulate the adrenal glands which cause the heart rate to increase as well as the blood pressure and breathing rate. After this happens it takes the body approximately 20 to 60 minutes to return to its normal state. (Lyle H. Miller, 2013). This response is also known as the flight or fight response. Usually this happens when the body either decides to fight or flee the initial threat. Acute stress is caused by specific events that involve unpredictability, demands and pressure from the recent pass, novelty, and a threat to the ego. For example you may receive a phone call while at work saying that your child has a medical emergency. This may cause your blood pressure to raise which in return you experience acute stress. This type of on the spot stress however can be good for you because of the hormones released which cause you to deal with the situation. Since acute stress is short term it doesn’t have time to do any lengthy damage. Emotional stress is a form of acute stress which is caused by anger, irritability, anxiety or depression. While dealing with acute stress the body experiences muscular problems such as tension headaches, back pain, and tendon and ligaments problems. The body may also experience sweaty palms, heart palpitations, dizziness, and shortness of breath, chest pain, a rise in blood pressure, or cold hands and feet. A few simple ways you can deal with acute stress is by taking deep steady breaths through your diaphragm which will release neurotransmitters that calms the body. Exercising, counting backwards from 10, or simply taking a nap is other ways you can release stress.
Chronic stress is the repeated exposure of prolonged tension from internal or external stressors, which may cause asthma,

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