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Submitted By rvh2012
Words 367
Pages 2
so I offered my friend that I was visiting a ride back to his dorm room since we were on the other side of campus and it was like a 15-20 min walk back to his dorm. I got pulled over by the cops because my head lights weren’t on. When he comes over he tells me my lights aren’t on and because there is an auto switch I usually keep it on so they come on automatically I thought they were. They weren’t on auto and I didn’t really notice because of how lighten up UCONN is and when I saw the cop drive by me I had this feeling he was going to turn around and pull me over too. When he came to my window he told me my lights weren’t and was like “Really?” and then he asked if we had been drinking and I said no because I don’t drink. My friend said he did and he had been a little and that’s why I offered to take him back to his dorm. Then the cop takes out his flashlight and starts looking around the car and he spots this water bottle behind my seat and he ask me to give it to him and I did because I know I don’t drink and had no problem with giving him the water bottle because I don’t even think it was alcohol. I just had gotten my car back to because its rims got re-painted and I didn’t even have it for 3 weeks. so next he asks me to get out of the car so he can test me to see if I have been drinking and I passed. I also told the cop I didn’t know what was in the bottle because there was literally nothing in the bottle. It was basically empty. And then he tell me it’s in a perfect spot for me to reach it and it was because 1) I never had even seen it, 2) I don’t even know what was in it, and 3) it was wedged behind my seat so I could even grab it because my car has two

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