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Ukraine Crisis


Submitted By lesley1234
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Governce of Russia Explain Russian’s invasion in Ukraine and Russian’s action in Crimea by individual level of analysis

Russia’s invasion in Crimea and Russia’s action in Ukraine were the actions in Ukraine crisis. Ukraine crisis began at the end of February 2014. The cause was the president Viktor Yanukovych refused to sign an association agreement with the European Union on 21 November 2013, and what he did arouse a series of complains in the society. Subsequently, he and his government were removed in the February 2014 revolution by an organized political movement, ‘Euromaidan’. However, people did not accepted who began to protest in flavor of close ties with Russia. Demonstrations and protests were held in Crimea aiming to leave Ukraine’s control and access to the Russian Federation, which lead to the crisis. At the last, Crimea broke away from the control of Ukraine and joined the Russian Federation. And the issues would be analyzed by the individual level analysis.

Definition of Individual Level of Analysis
Individual level of analysis mainly focuses on decisions made by the individual person who is the important role in the issue. It also shows the influence of the development of international politics by their interactions in 4 aspects, they are personality, perceptions, activities and choices. Putin took a very important role in making decision of action and brought big influence in Ukraine and Crimea.

Types of Leader Putin is
Vladimir Putin was the decision-maker of these two actions. Putin is a powerful leader and gets great power control with the longest years in Russia. Putin won the 2 presidential elections. Putin was reelected in 2004 and he also ran the third consecutive presidential term in 2008 and was appointed as Prime Minister because of the constitutional amendments. He seek a third non-consecutive term as president in the 2012 presidential election and won the election in March 2012. In total, his presidency was 6 years term. Putin also gains the major power in state duma. The citizens, parties and civil servants supported his ideology ruling a country. It may because of the remove or cut off of the disagreement or complains aroused in the society, such as Pussy Riot. Pussy Riot was a pop-song band in Russia who would like to use influence mass media to spread out the information and messages of anti-government by writing songs themselves; however, they were arrested in 1970s by the government.

Russia’s Invasion in Crimea: Personality
Putin was clever and aggressive leader. When he rose up the military involvement in Crimea, the government and citizens in Russia gave full support because of his influence of speech and personal attraction. He was also a person who would like to use illegitimate way solving problems in a crisis although he claimed the military invasion was peaceful. He emphasized the need to protect Russian citizens, which was the same as he used to launch a 2008 invasion of Georgia as Russia’s invasion was very important to stop the further escalation of violence in Crimea. From his justification, it reflected his thought to military control was the best solution in a crisis. The decision evolved into a war between the post-revolutionary Ukrainian government and pro-Russian insurgents.

Russia’s Invasion in Crimea: Perception
Putin wanted to help Crimea by his views of the world and he persuaded his government and citizens by his action successfully. He claimed that Crimea was a part of Russia on moral and material grounds, citing the principle of self-determination and Crimea’s strategic importance for Russia. It meant that he thought Russia should help Crimea as Crimea was their friendly country in the world. His authoritarian grip kept him politically unchallenged. Since the crisis began, Putin’s approval rating had grown, gained even the highest approval rating among the Russian public within 3 years by nearly 10% increase, up to 71.6% on 10 March 2014. According to the same survey, it showed that more than 90%of Russians supported unification with the Crimean Republic which meant the public supported Putin in the society.

Russia’s Invasion in Crimea: Activities
From his speech, Putin claimed to invade Crimea because he wanted to protect the safety of Crimean in Ukraine by sending troops; however, it gave pressure on Ukraine political constitution. And the group’s leaders have appealed to Putin to send Russian peacekeeping forces to the region. He has claimed that Russian troops in the Crimea were aimed “to ensure proper conditions for the people of Crimea to be able to freely express their will. Putin gave a great concern on the invasion in Crimea as he ordered the Russian Armed Forces to be "put on alert in the Western Military District as well as units stationed with the 2nd Army Central Military District Command involved in aerospace defense, airborne troops and long-range military transport."

Russia’s Invasion in Crimea: Choices
Putin showed his support to Crimea breakaway from the ruling of Ukraine and he chose to invade Ukraine. He suggested that Crimea should be independent and to be a new statue in the world as he expressed his view on the situation that if a revolution took place in Ukraine, it is a new country with which Russia did not conclude any treaties by bringing up an analogy with events of 1917 in Russia, when as a result of the revolution the Russian Empire fell apart and a new state was created. However, some of other countries judged his decision was a violation to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, such as Europe. The Russia’s invasion in Crimea disrespected the importance of commitment to the norms and principles of international law.

Then move to analysis the Russia’s action in Ukraine.

Russia’s Action in Ukraine: Personality
Putin was also an ambitious leader that he brought Russia quickly recovered from the dissolution of Soviet Union. From the previous speech, Putin expressed, “I am sure that 2014 will go into the annals of our whole country as the year when the nations living here (Crimea) firmly decided to be together with Russia……There is a lot of work ahead but we will overcome all difficulties because we are together, which means we (Russia) have become stronger.’ It showed that Putin’s hopes were to strengthen Russia’s power and continue to rise up the international status in the world.

Russia’s Action in Ukraine: Perception
Although taking action in Ukraine was the idea of Putin, he did not want to get Crimea back under the control of Russia. He claimed that he did not considering the annexing Crimea to Russia’s federation on 4 March 2014 and saying that “only citizens themselves, in conditions of free expression of will and their security can determine their future.” However, if the people in Crimea wanted to join Russia, Putin would say welcome as he respected the willingness of human. As he understood the importance of cooperation with other countries, the ambitious movement must worsen the relationship between other countries and led to isolation or separation of Russia in the world. It is true that Putin’s credibility decreased among the world as the U.S. State Department made a list of Putin’s ten “false claims” about Ukraine.

Russia’s Action in Ukraine: Activities
Russia officially got Crimea not by force, but from a democratic vote in Crimea which Crimea joined Russia is what most of the Crimean people hope for, so Putin agreed to accept Crimea as a part of Russian Federation. Crimean status referendum let Crimea people can vote for the decision whether to join Russia or stay as a part of Ukraine and over 97% vote agree to join Russia although it was not recognized in international.

Russia’s Action in Ukraine: Choices
Putin chose the same way of Georgian crisis in Ukraine crisis in 2008. Putin helped South Ossetia to be independent from Georgia, Russo-Georgian diplomatic crisis successfully. In addition, South Ossetia and Crimea shared the similar history, political and economic conditions. They were the part of former the Soviet Union. They also had high Russian speaking population in their countries and Russia had military exercise in the border between them. Subsequently, he would choose the same way on Crimea.

Concluding the individual level of analysis of two issues reflected the influence of the leader who took the lead of all the actions decided of his thought and wants during a crisis. Putin’s political values, styles on both internal and external diplomatic affairs were aggressive and powerful.

[ 1 ]. -------------------------------------------------
2014 pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine, Wikipedia, refer:
[ 2 ]. Thousands Demand Resignation of Ukraine Leader, The New York Times, 1/12/2014, refer:
[ 3 ]. Crimea Switches to Moscow Time, Finalizing Incorporation Into Russia, the WorldPost, 29/3/2014, refer:
[ 4 ]. Excerpts from Putin’s speech on Crimea, Yahoo News, 18/3/2014, refer:
[ 5 ]. Putin crisis spread, the New Yorker News, 8/3/2014, refer:
[ 6 ]. Putin ready to invade Ukraine; Kiev warns of war, Reuters News, 1/3/2014, refer:
[ 7 ]. Putin’s Human Rights Council’ accidentally Posts Real Crimean Election Results, Forbes, 5/5/2014, refer:
[ 8 ]. President Putin’s Fiction: 10 Flase Claims About Ukraine, 5/3/2014, refer:
[ 9 ]. 2008 Russo-Georgian diplomatic crisis, Wikipedia, refer:

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