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Unions and Hr Department


Submitted By robq2
Words 1594
Pages 7
Unions and the Human Resources Department: Information and Trends
Unions and the Human Resources Department: Information and Trends
Compared to personnel management, human resource management is relatively a new approach to manage people. Since human resource is the most valuable asset of an organization without which it could not possibly be able to use any other resources and run the business. So it becomes quite necessary to manage the human resources efficiently and effectively. It paves the way for the development of human resources management. Human resources management is a distinct management philosophy which emerged as a perspective to manage the human resources in an effective manner for the benefit of an organization. Last decade it had witnessed a great exploitation towards the employees in terms of the working hours, payment, and working condition which in turn resulted to the development of their representative group as an employee’s union. As per the article ‘The role of Unions or HR in workplace’ “Unions have been in existence since 1935” (Morreaux, 2013, par.4) when the national labor relation law was passed, which was the first labor relation law. Employee unions were primarily formed for the purpose of representing the employment problem before the management and engaged in “collective bargaining” (Morreaux, 2013, par.3) with the employers in order to protect the worker’s interest and prevent it against exploitation. The prime purpose and the most attractive feature of an employee union is the collective bargaining power. As per the article ‘The Role of Unions or HR in Workplace’, collective bargaining is rightly been quoted as “negotiation process” (Morreaux, 2013, par.3) between the representative of management or human resource department with the union representative in the area of matter concerning to the

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