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Submitted By arrabel17
Words 4009
Pages 17
"An Evaluation of President Obama's First Year and a Half as POTUS"

Barrack Obama became the 44th President of the United States of America on January 20th, 2009. He is the first African American to take office and with his presidency he promised to make changes to America that would liberate the American people from crisis into a bright new beginning. In his Inauguration speech, he claimed to mend the financial crisis by stimulating jobs and laying a “new foundation for growth” (Naughton, “Inauguration speech”). He promised to rebuild the Nation’s foundations such as roads, bridges, electric grids, and digital lines, to revive the prosperity and importance of science, to increase the care and lower the cost of health care, to mend the threat of global warming, to enact peace with Afghanistan, to withdraw from Iraq, and to transform the educational system to meet the conditions of a new era (Naughton, “Inauguration speech”). Throughout his first year as president Obama has enacted many policies and regulations such as the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and Health Care Bill. However, has Obama stayed true to his original promises stated throughout his campaigns, in his Inauguration speech, as well as his first State of Union speech. Has Obamba’s first year been a success or a failure? This essay will explore the history of Obama’s ascend to presidency, his success and failures, and an overall evaluation of Obama’s first year in office.
The Rise of Barrack Obama
Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu Hawaii to parents Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. His parents later separated and divorced when he was only two years of age. His father left his family to pursue “P.h.D. studies at Harvard and returned to his home country, Kenya, in 1965” (“Barack Obama Biography”). His mother remarried in 1966 to Lolo Soetoro from

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