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Vi Commands for Unix


Submitted By brysfb
Words 1301
Pages 6
vi commands
The following tables contain all the basic vi commands.
Starting vi
|Command |Description |
|vi file |start at line 1 of file |
|vi +n file |start at line n of file |
|vi +$ file |start at last line of file |
|vi +/pattern file |start at pattern in file (do not insert a space between the ``+'' and ``/'' characters. |
|vi -r file |recover file after a system crash |

Saving files and quitting vi
|Command |Description |
|:e file |edit file (save current file with :w first) |
|:w |save (write out) the file being edited |
|:w file |save as file |
|:w! file |save as an existing file |
|:q |quit vi |
|:wq |save the file and quit vi |
|:x |save the file if it has changed and quit vi |
|:q! |quit vi without saving changes |

Moving the cursor
|Keys pressed |Effect |
|h |left one character |
|l or |right one character |
|k |up one line |
|j or |down one line |
|b |left one word |
|w |right one word |
|( |start of sentence |
|) |end of sentence |
|{ |start of paragraph |
|} |end of paragraph |
|1G |top of file |
|nG |line n |
|G |end of file |
|W |first character of insertion |
|U |up ½ screen |
|D |down ½ screen |
|B |up one screen |
|F |down one screen |

Inserting text
|Keys pressed |Text inserted |
|a |after the cursor |
|A |after last character on the line |
|i |before the cursor |
|I |before first character on the line |
|o |open line below current line |
|O |open line above current line |

Changing and replacing text
|Keys pressed |Text changed or replaced |
|cw |word |
|3cw |three words |
|cc |current line |
|5cc |five lines |
|r |current character only |
|R |current character and those to its right |
|s |current character |
|S |current line |
|[pic] |switch between lowercase and uppercase |

Deleting text
|Keys pressed |Text deleted |
|x |character under cursor |
|12x |12 characters |
|X |character to left of cursor |
|dw |word |
|3dw |three words |
|d0 |to beginning of line |
|d$ |to end of line |
|dd |current line |
|5dd |five lines |
|d{ |to beginning of paragraph |
|d} |to end of paragraph |
|:1,. d |to beginning of file |
|:.,$ d |to end of file |
|:1,$ d |whole file |

Using markers and buffers
|Command |Description |
|mf |set marker named ``f'' |
|`f |go to marker ``f'' |
|´f |go to start of line containing marker ``f'' |
|"s12yy |copy 12 lines into buffer ``s'' |
|"ty} |copy text from cursor to end of paragraph into buffer ``t'' |
|"ly1G |copy text from cursor to top of file into buffer ``l'' |
|"kd`f |cut text from cursor up to marker ``f'' into buffer ``k'' |
|"kp |paste buffer ``k'' into text |

Searching for text
|Search |Finds |
|/and |next occurrence of ``and'', for example, ``and'', ``stand'', ``grand'' |
|?and |previous occurrence of ``and'' |
|/^The |next line that starts with ``The'', for example, ``The'', ``Then'', ``There'' |
|/^The\> |next line that starts with the word ``The'' |
|/end$ |next line that ends with ``end'' |
|/[bB]ox |next occurrence of ``box'' or ``Box'' |
|n |repeat the most recent search, in the same direction |
|N |repeat the most recent search, in the opposite direction |

Searching for and replacing text
|Command |Description |
|:s/pear/peach/g |replace all occurrences of ``pear'' with ``peach'' on current line |
|:/orange/s//lemon/g |change all occurrences of ``orange'' into ``lemon'' on next line containing ``orange'' |
|:.,$/\ |end of a word |
|\ |quote a special character |
|\[pic] |the character ``[pic]'' |
|^ |beginning of a line |
|$ |end of a line |
|[set] |one character from a set of characters |
|[XYZ] |one of the characters ``X'', ``Y'', or ``Z'' |
|[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]* |one uppercase character followed by any number of lowercase characters |
|[^set] |one character not from a set of characters |
|[^XYZ[:digit:]] |any character except ``X'', ``Y'', ``Z'', or a numeric digit |

Options to the :set command
|Option |Effect |
|all |List settings of all options. |
|noautoindent |Prevent the preparation of structured program text. |
|autoprint |Display the current line after each ex copy, move, or substitute command. |
|noautowrite |Do not automatically write the contents of the modified buffer to the current file when you give a |
| |next, rewind, tag, or ``!'' command, or a ^ (switch files) or ] (goto tag) command. |
|nobeautify |Do not discard all control characters except , newline and formfeed from the input. |
|directory=/var/preserve |Set the default directory for the vi editing buffer. noedcompatible the absence of g and c suffixes|
| |on substitute commands is not remembered. |
|noerrorbells |Do not precede error messages with a bell. |
|hardtabs=8 |Set the boundaries on which terminal hardware tabs are set or on which tabs the system expands. |
|noignorecase |Do not map all uppercase characters to thier lowercase equivalent. |
|nolisp |Do not autoindent to indent appropriately for LISP code. |
|nolist |Do not display the tabs and end of line characters. |
|magic |With nomagic set, the number of regular expression metacharacters is greatly reduced, with only |
| |caret ``^'' and dollar sign ``$'' having special effects. In addition, the metacharacters tilde |
| |``~'' and ampersand ``&'' in replacement patterns are treated as normal characters. |
|mesg |Prevent other users writing to your screen with the UNIX write command and scrambling your screen |
| |as you edit. |
|nomodelines |Disable the first five and last five lines of a file being read in to be interpreted as vi or ex |
| |commands. |
|nonumber |Do not display output lines with their line numbers. |
|nooptimize |Allow the terminal perform automatic carriage returns when displaying more than one line of output.|
|paragraphs=IPLPPPQPP LIpplpipnpb |Set the paragraph delimiters for the { and } operations. |
|prompt |Force ex input to be prompted for with a colon ``:''. |

|redraw |Simulate (using great amounts of output) an intelligent terminal on a dumb terminal. |
|remap |Mapped characters are repeatedly tried until they are unchanged. For example, if o is mapped to O and O |
| |is mapped to I, o will map to I if remap is set, and to O if noremap is set. |
|report=5 |Set the threshold for feedback from commands. |
|scroll=11 |The number of logical lines scrolled when -D is received from a terminal input. |
|sections=NHSHH HUuhsh+c |Set the section macros for the [[ and ]] operations. |
|shell=/usr/bin/ksh |Set the pathname of the shell forked for the shell escape ``!'' command, and by the shell command. |
|shiftwidth=8 |Set the width of a software tab stop, used in reverse tabbing with -D when using autoindent to |
| |append text, and by the shift commands. |
|noshowmatch |When a ``)'' or ``}'' is typed, move the cursor to the matching ``('' or ``{'' for one second if this |
| |matching character is on the screen. |
|noshowmode |Prevent the message ``INPUT MODE'' from being displayed on the lower right corner of the screen when |
| |insert mode is activated. |
|noslowopen |Enable the display of updates during inserts. |
|tabstop=8 |Expand tabs in the input file to be on n boundaries for the purposes of display. |
|taglength=0 |Accept the first n characters in a tag name to be significant, but all others to be ignored. |
|tags=tags /usr/lib/tags |Set a path of files to be used as tag files for the tag command. |
|term=value of shell TERM variable |Set the terminal type of the output device. |
|timeout |Set the milliseconds to wait for subsequent input characters. |
|warn |Display ``[No write since last change]'' before a shell escape command (!) if file has not been saved. |
|window=23 |Set the number of lines in a text window. |
|wrapscan |Search using the regular expressions in addressing wrap around past the end of the file. |
|wrapmargin=0 |Define the margin for automatic insertion of newlines during text input. |
|nowriteany |Perform all checks normally made before write commands. |


Bonus for Script Writing: 1. We get line numbers in vi using :set nu great for shell scripting 2. Use vim instead of vi to show the syntax color. You must add #!/bin/bash to the first line of the script.

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...COMP1600 - Software Development Workshop I Workshop 1.3: Editors and File Utilities Learning Objectives In this workshop, you will learn how to use some common editors and file utilities in Linux. Editor You use an editor to edit text files (e.g., input source programs, change the configuration files in /etc). You should be familiar with at least one editor in Linux. Some common editors include emacs, vi and pico. On X-windows, some common editors are xedit, gedit and kedit. Basics of vi vi is one of the common editor in Linux/Unix. It has two modes: insert mode and command mode. To get into insert mode: A, a, I, i, O, o To get out of insert mode: To move around in command mode: h, l, j, k, Ctrl-U, Ctrl-D, Ctrl-F, Ctrl-B Editing in command mode: x : delete 1 character 3x : delete 3 characters X : backspace to delete the last character dd : delete 1 line 3dd : delete 3 lines d^ : delete from the beginning of line D : delete up to the end of line u : undo last command . : redo last command yy : yank 1 line (copy into buffer) 10yy : yank 10 lines p : paste the buffer below the current line P : paste the buffer above the current line J : joint two lines : : go into ex mode /something/ : find something forward ?something? : find something backward Text File Format in Linux/DOS For text files in DOS, appears at end of each line, where the control 1 COMP1600 - Software Development Workshop I characters and stand for "carriage return" and "line fit". ...

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