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Wallace Case


Submitted By marielois
Words 1471
Pages 6
WALLACE GROUP Harold Wallace, founder, serves as Chairman and President of the Wallace Group. He owns 45% of the outstanding stock. The company consists of three operating groups -- Electronics, Plastics, and Chemicals -- which generate sales of $70 million. Mr. Wallace continues direct operational control over the Electronics Group. Several years ago, Wallace and the Board embarked on a strategy of diversification into plastics and chemicals in order to decrease the company’s dependence on defense-related business.
Presently, the morale within The Wallace Group has deteriorated to the point where some of the employee stockholders made an attempt to force Wallace’s resignation. As a result of this crisis, Wallace has hired Frances Rampar, a management consultant, to conduct a management survey into the problems facing The Wallace Group. Her task is to develop a series of priorities for Wallace’s consideration.

Issues and Problems
Chair- President Conflict
On product diversification, there is an increase size, and relationship of size to managerial compensation. Also, the company does have problems with regard to the managerial employment risk. With regard to the use of free cash flow, the managers prefer to invest these funds in additional product diversification. Shareholder prefers the funds as dividend so they can control how the funds are invested. Managerial opportunism prevents the, maximization of shareholders wealth. With regard to organization Structure, ownership and management are not separated. Newly created corporate management positions without clear value added. Then, relationship between corporate and group functions is not clear, where no marketing director per group, no sales function to support electronic new business, and no R&D per group.
In addition, there are things that the group had identified as material issues

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