Premium Essay

Week 1


Submitted By rgodoy1
Words 1698
Pages 7

This document will contain the information needed for your team operations, guidelines and commitment. It should be kept in doc sharing and each update should have a version control identifier (e.g., Team A SOP v1, v2, v3, etc.). IMPORTANT NOTE: The statement of participation must be posted in the team’s doc sharing area and the final submission must be available for the team to review and approve each week. Approval can be achieved by downloading the document. If you have disagreements, it is critical to contact your project leader and get a correction posted immediately. The professor should be notified of any disagreements. If the statement of participation is not submitted, the entire team will receive the same grade (including any point loss from other team members). I. Team Information PROJECT NAME: | MEMBER NAME | # | PHONE # | | EMAIL | | MEETING AVAILABILITY | Jade Xiong | 1 | | | | | Monday at 5 / email/ phone | Raquel Godoy | 2 | | | | | Monday at 5/ email/ phone | Genaro Zavala | 3 | | | | | Monday at 5/ email /phone | | 4 | | | | | | | 5 | | | | | | | 6 | | | | | |

II. Weekly meeting schedule
The most successful teams schedule at least (2) meetings a week throughout the course. Scheduling standing meetings allows everyone to schedule this time in advance and coordinate other activities around the scheduled meeting times. Meetings can change, based on the project leader for the week, however, it is highly recommended that you set a meeting based on the majority team availability. In addition to setting meetings, the most successful teams also set a deadline for drafts to be turned into the project leader each week. Putting this structure in place early in the course will help the team to achieve a high level of organization and

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