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Week 3 Checkpoint Grant Proposals


Submitted By KIMORALEE
Words 332
Pages 2
Week 3: Checkpoint
Grant Proposal

The attributes of a grant proposal as stated by Yuen & Terao (2003) is that it “will define the purpose and the importance of the program, describe the service environment and needs address, identify target population, define measurable and attainable goals and objectives, scheduling activities and timelines, detailing staffing, management issues, developing an appropriate budget, and recognizing the agency capacity and developing an evaluation plan” (p. 18). When completing a grant proposal you are writing detailed information in regards to your organization telling the funding agency how your organization needs the money and plans to use it. You are organizing the information in a manner that is clear and concise, informative, and emphasizes your organizations needs and problems for your target population. A grant proposal relates to a program plan because unlike a program plan which is briefer, a grant proposal is detailed however both of them supply the same information just one more in depth than the other. A program plan is described by Yuen & Terao (2003) as an “organized process through which a set of coordinated activities or interventions is developed to address and facilitate change in some or all the identified problems” (p. 11). Without a program plan which is done before an organization is official stated a grant proposal would not be possible. You take your lead from your program plan, it will not only let your community and your staff know what your mission is it will let the grant writers know what direction they should take the grant proposal and which grants they should apply for. A program plan is an idea on how, what, who, when, where, and how much it’s going to cost. A grant proposal is a written program plan asking for financial assistance for your organization both a grant and program

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