Premium Essay

What Is Fear


Submitted By jm0551685
Words 1115
Pages 5
The Fears of Life: Conquering Them Can Be Difficult
What is Fear? Fear is an emotion that one feels when they feel threatened or in danger. As for what is fear biologically speaking, when a person experiences fear, certain areas in their brain are immediately activated and appear to control the first physical response to fear. Adrenaline is released into the blood stream causing certain physical reactions such as: rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, tightening of muscles, sharpened or redirected senses, dilation of the pupils, and increased sweating. When fear gets out of control, or when we fear something that cannot actually harm us, it can escalate to a point where it effects our daily functioning. Fear is no longer adaptive if we find we are constantly afraid of events that haven’t happened yet. Some of the most known cases of fear are: the fear of heights (Acrophobia), fear of spiders (Arachnophobia), fear of death (Thanatophobia), fear of the dark, fear of failure, and many more. Whether it is a fearful event you have experienced or the fear of an event or encounter in the future, there are ways to conquer and overcome these fears. The fear of spiders is one of the most common phobias today. The fear of spiders is known as Arachnophobia. As it may seem impossible to overcome these little, furry creatures, there are ways to do so. Though most arachnids are harmless, a person with arachnophobia may still panic or feel uneasy around one. Sometimes, even an object resembling a spider can trigger a panic attack in an arachnophobic individual. For example, an individual with arachnophobia would not be able to enjoy a peaceful hike through the woods, or a nice picnic at the park, in the fear of a spider being near them, or getting on them. The largest and first step to overcoming the fear of spiders is to expose yourself and face your fears. You must face

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