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What Is Your Crucifixion Healing You

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Pages 2
1. Why was Your crucifixion horrible?
2. What did You think hurt You more the physically pain or the emotionally pain?
3. Did You ever experience unforgiveness for those who hurt You?
4. Did You think about using Your power to stop those who were hurting You?
5. How did You feel watching Your mother suffering for You?
6. Did You feel God’s presence comforting You?
7. Did You think about saving Your life?
8. What was the revelation that You get from God about sufferings for the sin of other people?
9. What did it feel like to love unconditionally those who were hurting You?
10. Did You think about not doing God’s will?
11. What did it feel like to watch Your loves one to watch You humiliated?
12. Did You think that God will forsake You?

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