Premium Essay

Why Are Americans so Obese?


Submitted By dolphinate
Words 1303
Pages 6
Why have Americans become so obese? Obesity is a struggle among every country in the world. Obesity is when a person is 20 percent above what is supposed to be their normal weight. Obesity is so difficult to get rid of in countries that it is classified as a disease. The country that is greatest known for their obesity rates is the United States of America. Even though America is not the most obese country in the world, America is known for their fast food restaurants severely overweight people. Despite America being one of the most obese countries, no one ever asks the real question. Why have Americans become so obese?
The most obviously popular reason why Americans are obese is because of food. The first type of food to relate to obesity is fast food. McDonald’s, Burger King, Taco Bell and many other fast food restaurants load their food with sugar, cholesterol and other unhealthy substances that make people crave it. McDonald’s burgers are severely unhealthier than a homemade burger. A McDonald’s burger has 440 calories, 23 grams of fat, 80 milligrams of cholesterol, 1150 milligrams of sodium and 34 carbohydrates. (McDonald's). A homemade burger has about 270 calories, 9 grams of fat, 142 milligrams of cholesterol, 123 milligrams of sodium and about 9 carbohydrates (Health). McDonald's makes their foods unnecessarily unhealthy. Another problem with Americans food problems is that their portions are completely outrageous. The default portion sizes are Small, Medium and large but food in America has extended on to large with supersize portions. Drink sizes in America detail 16 ounces for a small, 21 ounces for a medium, 30 ounces for a large and a giant 42 ounces for the supersize portion.

Not only are that but America’s drink sizes larger than any other countries. Japan's large fountains are only 20 ounces which are smaller than America's medium fountain

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