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Yellowstone National Park


Submitted By Munkalas
Words 746
Pages 3
Food Web Diagram
Michael J. Getka, Vickie Jones, Brian Hobbs, Megan Hernandez, and Kwana Moody
October 24, 2011
University of Phoenix

Food Web Diagram

Cottonwood Aspen Lodgepole pines
Douglas fir Subalpine Fir Engelmann spruce
Blue spruce Whitebark Pine Glacier Lily
Indian paintbrush Plains Prickly Pear Fringed Gentian
Silky Phacelia Shooting Star Yellow Monkey Flower
Fairyslipper Bitterroot Columbia Monkshood
Marsh marigold Northern bedstraw White geranium
Phlox Wild strawberry Cow parsnip
Evening primrose GardinerLadies tresses Woodland star
Yarrow Pussytoes Spring beauty
Bistort Meadows Arnica Groundsel Yellow bell Hayden
Glacier lily Cinquefoil Stonecrop Yellow monkey flower
Rabbitbrush Balsamroot Prickly pear cactus
Yellow pond lily Sulfur buckwheat Globeflower
Helianthella Dunraven Yellow violet Shooting star Prairie smoke
Coralroot Bitterroot Elephant head
Twinflower Paintbrush Wild Rose Sticky geranium
Fireweed Lewis Fringed gentian Harebell Wild flax Dry
Penstemon Lupine Forget-me-not Phacelia Stickseed
Bluebells Clematis Larkspur Monkshood
Wild iris Pasque flower Fauna

Grizzly Bear Trumpeter Swan Gray Wolf Lynx
Mountain Lion Black Bear Cutthroat Trout Bison
Fox Bald Eagle Bighorn Sheep Ravens
Badgers Pine Marten River Otter Wolverine
Striped Skunk Marmot Gophers Voles
Porcupine Beaver Chipmunk Squirrel
Mule Deer White tailed Deer Coyote Moose
Pronghorn Antelope Deer Mice Muskrats Bobcats
Great horned owl Barn Owl American kestrel Kites
Osprey Peregrine falcon Turkey Vulture Elk
Northern Harrier Goshawks Golden Eagle Dippers
Red-shouldered hawk Rabbit Mallard ducks Brook Trout
Artic Grayling Yellowstone Cutthroat Westslope Cutthroat Brown Trout

Consumers Cont.
Longnose Dace Longnose Sucker Mottled Sculpin Lake Trout
Mountain Sucker Mountain Whitefish Redside Shiner Utah Chub Speckled Dace Rainbow Trout Lake Chub
Heterotrophic and lithographic bacteria

Population Growth and Regulation Yellowstone National Park is a region with diverse wildlife. Each animal in the ecosystem has a niche as a scavenger or predator. They are dependent on each other for survival because the predator/scavenger relationship in the ecosystem balances it so that no one animal is overpopulated in the park. At the top of the food chain are wolves and bears that prey on other animals such as bison and elk. Yellowstone ecosystem can support a number of organisms based on abiotic factors, such as temperature, soil composition, and quantity of water and light (Petersen, 2001). Given abiotic resources with no predators or diseases, populations can increase very rapidly including humans. Resources that lack or limit the population growth include predation and climate. The major source of energy for an organism in the ecosystem is sunlight which passes energy from one organism to another (Wagner, 2011). Yellowstone has two major regulations that help maintain its ecosystem. The county has a United Zoning Code that sets limitations on building setbacks, parking of vehicles, land uses, and general property maintenance (Wagner, 2011). The other regulation set forth is the Decay Ordinance to maintain any salvaged materials or abandoned buildings seen by the public. These regulations are in place to keep the ecosystem safe from any diseases, feral animals, rats, and mosquitoes (Petersen, 2001). This not only can affect the wildlife’s habitat but also on human health, the community and neighborhoods.
Potential Hazards Caused by Humans Yellowstone National Park attracts thousands of visitors from every part of the world each year and is important to help the park maintain its stable ecosystem. Many factors can cause harm and disrupt many habitats. The park has many thermal pools and visitors should not through objects or remove any national features. The pools are also prohibited from swimming or bathing. Another hazard is pollution and wild fires. Cigarette smokers putting butts out in the forest can lead to fires and the public should not have access any lighters while in the forest (Petersen, 2001). Canned goods, bags, soda bottles and cans, and any other disposal items should not be thrown in the park. Visitors should also stay on trails or designated boardwalks and stay far away from bears and bison if spotted. Bears can become very agitated and aggressive especially if she has cubs (Wagner, 2011). Another hazard on the ecosystem affected by humans is feeding or trying to attempt to feed wildlife. It may seem or appear certain to feed animals, but any wildlife can attack a human without warning. Also, some foods given to wildlife can be harmful to certain wildlife and can interrupt their diet.

Petersen, Daniel. Yellowstone National Parks (True Books: National Parks). A Division of
Scholastic Inc. 2001.
Wagner, Frederic H. Yellowstone’s Destabilization Ecosystem. Elks Science and Policy Conflict. Oxford University Press. 2011

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