Applying Learning Theories

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    Students attend a virtual classroom by connecting to the Internet rather than traveling to a physical classroom. Virtual classrooms offer classes where time, distance or both separate students from their instructors. Major corporations, higher learning facilities and training schools use virtual classrooms to teach and train their employees and students. Read more: What Is a Virtual Classroom? | Features *

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    Learning Style

    My Learning Style? What's my learning style? Why is it important? Every day we interact with the world around us, and as we do we are constantly learning. Recently I have begun to pursue my Bachelors Degree. Our first college course is designed to help us achieve that goal by providing us insight to the type of student we are and how we learn best. We have been focusing on learning styles and our motivation to learn. Using examples in the next few paragraphs I will attempt to show what I have identified

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    Gen/200 Attitude and Learning

    lowest in were reading and health. As I read on throughout the chapter I actually found out that I am a reflective observation. I would much rather stand back, watch what is going on, and think about it. When the author talked about the four modes of learning and four questions, I discovered that I was a Mode 4 learner. I am always asking myself the question “what?”. With the chart under the balancing your preferences, mode 4 I would most identify me with. For instance, under strengths I would most identify

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    Fundamentally,constructivism says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. It is a learning theory that emphazises problem solving and understanding using athentic tasks, experiences, settings and assesments. The first article I read abot described how constructivism is a process both for the instructor and the student. The goals for the instructor are to adapt the curriculum to address the students

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    Communicatin and Collaboration Strategy Paper

    Gissendanner-Gadson GEN 200 August 30, 2010 Theresa Bradley Staples In order for a learning team to be successful, there must be effective communication and collaboration existing. Learning teams are made up of diverse individuals. To maintain productivity, each member of a learning team should know the characteristics of each learning style and personality type. According to my assessment from highest to lowest, my learning styles are: verbal/linguistic, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. My personality

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    Mentoring Students in the Feild

    Critically analyse, through a reflective process, the relationships between teaching, learning and facilitation as applied in the context of practice. Facilitation is a form of teaching in that it is focused on the learner taking the lead and the teacher enabling the student to learn the information in the way best for the student. Harvey et al (2002) define facilitation as ‘enabling others’ varying from providing help and support to achieving a specific goal, to enabling others to analyse, reflect

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    Adult Learning Theory

    Article Summaries on Adult Learning Theories Maurrica Daun Doss Summary With review of two articles related to adult learning theories, there were several similarities and shared information that combined these articles together. It is very clear that there are different views and levels of adult learning theories. Starting from the basic concept of adult learning and fine tuning the theories down to adult students, it is evident that these theories are a major factor in continuing education

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    Learning Styles

    Personally I think everyone’s point of view on this topic is not going to be the same. We all have different ways of learning and what can work effectively for somebody it might not be that effective for another person. Personally I consider myself an Auditory learner because I like to interact with a group of people, listen to their point of view over an “X” topic and talk over it, discuss and/or debate with them. I feel more confortable when I listen to my professor explaining the class to a group

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    find your best learning style. VARK in an essence is just a questionnaire consisting of 16 questions that will help college students, professors, clients, employers and many more broad varieties of people to learn about each other and even about themselves. VARK helps one find out their preference mode of learning style by answering the questionnaire truthfully. This is an online inventory developed by Neil Fleming in the late 20th century. During this time, the concept of learning modes were popular

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    Learning Styles

    the three main ways of learning, you have Auditory, Visual, and Tactile. (The following is according to M.U.S.E, and Auditory learners, learn best when you listen and hear. You learn best when someone is talking and showing while you listen, also when reading out loud. You are more likely to remember things when the instructions are spoken. The following are just a few things to do to learn better; when you study read out loud, when learning new words use flash cards

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