Reaped Sex Offenders

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    Theories Of Sex Related Crimes

    When looking at those who have committed sex related crimes such as rape or sexual child abuse, the labeling theory stands out. Criminals who have committed these crimes are often labeled for the rest of their lives as sex offenders. The idea of having to register as a sex offender emphasis the fact that they have committed sex crimes. Where sex offenders are concerned, there appears to be no such thing as an ex-sex offender. Society seems to never forget their crimes and has labeled them as such

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    Psychosexual Deviancy Evaluation

    Martinez has a sex offense conviction for a non-contact sex offense. Offenders with paraphilic interests are at increased risk for sexual recidivism. For example, most individuals have little interest in exposing their genitals to strangers or stealing underwear. Offenders who engage in these types of behaviors are more likely to have problems conforming their sexual behavior to conventional standards than offenders who have no interest in paraphilic activities.

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    Catfishing And Online Dating Fraud

    Catfishing and online dating fraud is an expanding issue that has recently been gaining increasing notice from the public due to productions like the MTV show Catfish and the general increase of occurrences. Because of this, one would think that the attempts at intervention to try and stop this type of scam would increase also, but in reality no real progress has been made. The key to reversing the issue of online dating scams is identity verification. Both government legislation and social media

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    Criminal Law

    Law and Sexual Offender Registration Although I found both questions quite interesting, I chose to reply about the “community rights” of both the offender and community to respond to. However, because this chapter is so enlightening (for personal retention of the information), I had to also address Megan’s (and others) law. Because to my surprise they have proven to be ineffective and don’t work! Laws aimed at people convicted of sex offenders may not protect children from sex crimes but do lead

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    Key Social Issues

    issues that contribute to the need for criminal justice practitioners are sex offenders, drug abuse, and gun control. The first key social issue is sex offenders. Sex offenders are required by state law to register in the system and allows the public to know where they live and what offense was made (Perlam 2006.). A sex offender is an adult, or child having consensual or nonconsensual sex with a minor. Having a sex offender in your neighborhood can prove not to be a good thing for schools or homes

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    Sexual Offenders

    of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is the number of sexual offenders that live around the area and their proximity to campus. Sexual offender is someone who has been convicted of a sex crime. Crimes that are considered sex crime include but not limit: rape, sexual assault, child pornography, child molestation, and prostitution. The recidivism of sexual offenders is on average about 14% within the five years after the first time they commit a sex crime (Tillman). Recidivism is when a person repeats the

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    Institutional Populations

    Determining the Long-Term Risks of Recidivism and Registration Failures among Sexual Offenders. This journal article is about what causes sexual offenders to reoffend. This article highlights two possible factors as to why recidivism is so high among sexual offenders; Static factors and dynamic factors. Static factors are unchangeable characteristics about a person (i.e. age, previous convictions). These factors work against the person as far as an inability to change their past or class

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    Does the Canadian System of Punishment Meet the Needs of Society?

    justice system is sentencing criminals very few years in prison for outrageous crimes. Criminals who are sent to prison are actually getting more violent because of the conditions of those prisons. In addition, society gets very upset when sexual offenders are given anonymity or when the most dangerous inmates are given the chance of parole. The Canadian system of punishment is typically going to court and if determined guilty by the court, a sentence will be given by the judge and jail time will

    Words: 1429 - Pages: 6

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    Sex Offenders

    When it comes to criminal behavior of any kind, whether we are talking about sex offenders or illegal tobacco sellers, society has an obligation to protect itself -- and to protect the rights of the accused. That’s the essence of what life in America is supposed to be all about. When it comes to sex offenders, however, we are failing shamefully and disgracefully on both counts – and it doesn’t have to be this way. I am neither a lawyer nor a criminologist. What I do know, however, is that

    Words: 503 - Pages: 3

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    Hello my name is Curtis. I live in Kentucky. I am a student at CTU online. I have a friend that is a sex offender. He was convicted when he was only 19 years old. I have researched his file and know that he is telling the truth. Because he was convicted of a sex case he has to be on the sex offender registry. His victim, as they put it, was 14 at the time. Although this was a consensual relationship at the time the law says that it was not. Now he is 25 years old and has to register for the rest

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