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    Romans World View

    We are all born sinners (Rom. 5:12) because we have inherited it. So, just as sin entered all mankind through one man, Godʼs free gift of salvation is also available for all (rom 5:12-14). It is pointed out that the result of sin is that it brings death, and without a blood sacrifice there is no redemption (Rom. 6:23). It is further emphasized that salvation is not and cannot be obtained through obeying the law (Rom 3:19-20). The law is that standard of Godʼs righteousness that was given to show

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    Worldview Essay

    their lives. He writes about the power of God and how he will leads us to salvations. He is trying to teach us about condemnation, justification, and sanctification. He talks about those who reject God, reject his knowledge, because they think that they are better. We “are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ” (Romans 3:24). Through faith in Jesus Christ it will lead you to salvation. Paul describes how our worldview should be on the natural world, human identity

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    Evangalism and the Sovereignty of God

    ourselves. Our salvation comes through Him and in Him; it is nothing we did ourselves. Packers gives two examples, that he believes can prove that God is sovereign in salvation. The first, he argues that we (Christians) thank God for our salvation. By doing so we acknowledge that God is solely responsible for our salvation. We do not thank ourselves for being saved, do we? No, because we know that it is God who is in control. The second way we acknowledge that God is sovereign in salvation, is that

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    deserve death, which is the ultimate penalty for sin. Everyone will pay for his sin unless he comes to Christ, who has paid the price for our sin with His blood which is stated in the third verse as well. The fourth verse states that “We can receive salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ” which means if you put your trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and make Him the Master, the Boss of your life, you will live forever. God loves you and wants you to enjoy peace and life, today and

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    The Christian Life

    to ourselves and accept the opportunity to live as his children. As God’s children, often times we have very different perspectives. In many ways, these different views create debates. The controversy over the issue of God’s grace and gift of salvation, along with our response is one that should not be taken lightly. When looking at what the Apostle Paul says when he stated, “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son,” it is obvious that this comment

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    Roger Powell Romans Prof. Burggraff 11-19-08 “Law” in the Book of Romans The word “Law”, or nomos, is repeated over seventy times in the book of Romans according to F. F. Bruce in his book The Letter of Paul to the Romans. Obviously, the law is a key theme in Romans. Under the direction of the Holy Spirit, Paul sought to explain to the Jews what the law is for, what it is not for, and how it applies to them. The Jew’s attitude towards the law and towards the saved Gentiles was very clear

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    Methods of Evangelism

    collection of verses from the New Testament book of Romans to explain God’s gift of salvation. When these verses are arranged in order they offer a systematic presentation of the plan of salvation (What is Roman’s Road?) Through the presentation of these verses one learns that we are all sinners (Romans 3:10, 23), that the wages of sin are death (Romans 6:23), that Jesus paid for our sins on the cross (Romans5:8), that salvation comes through faith, by confessing with our mouths and believing in our hearts

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    Methods of Evangelism

    Methods of Evangelism Hayden Wyrick Liberty University Online Four Spiritual Laws The “Four Spiritual Laws” method of evangelism is s gospel message in a systematic way to help the “lost” person come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It starts with oneself knowing that God loves you. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” God loves us so much that He had His son Jesus

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    unimaginable. God gave us the Bible our sword to fight back against sin to make us the best of us we can be. God also gave us the gift of salvation by sending his only son to die for our sins. In order to become a Christian you have to be saved or ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart to save your soul & forgive your sins. People ask how you obtain salvation. It’s really easy actually in fact it’s so easy that it’s like eating a snickers bar you open it up and enjoy the awesome flavors. But first

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    Methods of Evangelism

    Methods of Evangelism Tim Fouse-Clark Liberty University Online The Romans Road Summary of the Method – According to Earley and Wheeler, “the Romans Road to Salvation is a way of explaining the good news of salvation using verses from the book of Romans (Wheeler). The way that my church explained it to me is that were 5 steps: 1. There is a problem: “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:3, NIV). Explain that we are all sinners and that there are none except God

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