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College Degree Cost Analysis

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With the costs of college on the rise since the 1970s, you can bet that when you see the tuition for your first school of choice, you'll feel a punch in the gut. “The average cost of tuition and fees at a private, non-profit, four-year university this school year was $31,231—up sharply from $1,832 in 1971-1972 (in current dollars).” -(Schoen, John W. "The Real Reasons a College Degree Costs so Much." CNBC. CNBC, 08 Dec. 2016. Web. 10 Apr. 2017. ). With these rising costs, you'll need a plan to fight back, just be sure it's the right plan. You can end up in a world of hurt if you take the wrong step forward. Being hungry or ending up frustrated and confused are definitely not ways to get through college. IF you are smart with money, you are …show more content…
It takes the stress of tuition away, unless you have an emergency and need to take from your college fund. Maybe your parents needed some money, so you take some more from the college fund. Or maybe you just needed 20 bucks for a new CD, away from the college fund! Now you are wondering where all this money went and how you spent it all. You become stressed and anxious as senior year starts to come to a close and you still need 3,000 dollars for your college tuition. That's not a smart way to get through college it's stressful and messy. Saving up for college may not be the best solution for you, but neither is starving or getting through college in an unhealthy and dangerous …show more content…
I don't believe this is the right way to get through college. Imagine, having to pay for books, tuition and even housing sometimes, and yet, not having enough money to pay for your dinner. Hungry and weak, you go to work and suffer through many hours with out a scrap to eat. Only to get paid just enough to get by with tuition payments. You work so hard and longer hours to make more money and the next day, you go to class on an empty stomach with less than to recommended amount of sleep. You need to study and get good grades but you are so tired and distracted by the gurgling and hunger that's pulling at your stomach. This is not a smart way to go through college. The stress, hunger, lack of sleep and weakness can lead to more detrimental affects, then money won't be the only thing you're worrying about. Neither will your mother.

Think about your mother, father, or guardian who worries about you day in and day out. They do everything they can to make sure your happy at college. When they see how tired and pale you've gotten, it breaks their hearts. When you suffer through college, you're not the only one. If you won't think about yourself, think about the people in your life. Be smart with your money and don't break

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