Premium Essay



Submitted By GioYang
Words 1447
Pages 6
G.F Handel Trio Sonata in B-flat major Op.2, No 3:
This piece was written in 1722 in London and performed in Convent Garden Theatre.
G.F Handel (1685-1759) was a German-British Baroque composer whose works have been continuously played to the present. He is well-known for his orchestral suites and his chamber and vocal music. His most famous work is oratorio “The Messiah”
C.P.E Bach Sonata for Oboe and Basso Continuo in G minor, Wq 135:
This piece was written in 1735 in Leipzig and probably first performed in Frankfurt an der Oder. C.P.E Bach (1714-1788) is the second son of J.S Bach and was born in German. C.P.E Bach is an influential composer who worked at a time of transition between Baroque and classical era. In 18th century, the reputation of C.P.E Bach stood very high. Mozart said “He is the father, and we are the children.”
J.S. Bach Prelude and Fugue in G-sharp minor, BWV 863:
This piece is a solo keyboard music composed by J.S Bach (written in 1722), which is called The Well-Tempered Clavier. J.S Bach first gave the title to a book of Prelude and Fugue in all 24 major and minor keys. The Well-Tempered Clavier is also well-known as one the most influential works in the history of Western Classical Music. J.S Bach (1685-1750) was born in Germany into a very musical family and he was more famous as a virtuoso keyboard player before a revival of interest and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. Today, he is one of the main and respectful composers of the Baroque period.
J.S Bach Sonata for violin and harpsichord, BWV 1015:
(Andante/Allegro assai/Andante Presto)
This piece was written between 1717-1723 in Kothen, when J.S Bach was hired by Leopold (Prince of Anhalt-Kothen) and worked as a director of music.

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