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Disadvantages and Advantages in Sampling


Submitted By jstevens26
Words 649
Pages 3
Assignment 1: Discussion Question
By Saturday, January 16, 2016 respond to the discussion question. Submit your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Use the same Discussion Area to comment on your classmates’ submissions and continue the discussion until Wednesday, January 20, 2016. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of at least 2 different sampling methods. Describe how researchers go about selecting a sampling strategy. What role does the research question play in choosing the sample? What does it mean to have a representative sample and why is this vital to the outcome of the study? You may wish to incorporate some of the scholarly sources you have been reviewing for your research project within your discussion.

There are many different types of sampling. Probability sampling is when involves random sampling and nonprobability sampling does not. The study being conducted largely affects what type of sampling one will do. To obtain information across a large population I think random sampling would be best. There is also quota sampling in which you only sample the number of people you need. There is target sampling in which you would use if you are targeting specific groups. A researcher would need to choose what method would work best for the type of information they are seeking. They also have to take into consideration the time, money, and available population when making a selection. In order to get more valid results one has to examine all the factors such as who, what, when, and why the research is being conducted to determine the proper sampling method. A representative sample is a sample that represents the whole population. This representative sample matches the population as a whole in its characteristics and key variables that are

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