Premium Essay

Edu 450


Submitted By gisellealicia93
Words 862
Pages 4
POS – 301
November 2, 2014
Professor Biddle

My Rights and Freedoms

As a citizen of the United States I do not appreciate the freedom and rights given. I have not thought about how fortunate I am to live in a country that allows freedom of speech, freedom of expression, or my favorite, freedom of religion. Throughout this assignment I will explain which freedom in the first amendment relates to me the most, discuss why the Bill of rights are important, and discuss the process for amending the Constitution. The freedom in the first amendment of the constitution relates to me the most would be Freedom of Religion. Freedom of Religion states that as an American I can practice ANY religion I want or I do not have to practice any religion at all. The reason freedom of religion relates to me most is because I am a strong believer in the idiom “to each his own”. I do not care if my friend is Jewish, Hindu, Christian, the list goes on. I think expressing one’s self is extremely important and religion is one of those ways. To me, what a person’s religion is does not determine if they are a good person or not. There are people that consider themselves “Jewish” or “Christian” but yet they are extremely mean and do not care about others. Freedom of religion allows for every single citizen of the United States to have a sense of freedom. We do not feel obligated to have a certain type of religion, which is better! The reason I say this is because if we are not forced to follow a certain type of religion this means that the religion we are following is because we CHOSE to follow it. We are apart of our own religion because we truly want that religion to be apart of us. For example, I am Christian, no one told me to follow the Christian faith. I choose it, on my own; I choose to be a Christian, just like mostly every other Christian in the United States. The bill of

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