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Essay About Internet Freedom

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The Opinions About Internet Freedom

How could the Arab Spring succeed through using internet? People was opposed to the dictatorship policy and they organized a new block online. Finally, they make a protestation to overthrough their leader and they succeeded it. Today internet, is much more common in the world. Many people can connect internet. People can share their idea which can be both positive and negative almost freely. Some governments tackle to create free internet because they know that citizens demand for this, in addition, democracy needs internet users. However, even dictators using internet as usage of their opponents. It is undeniable fact that democracy can be improved by internet because internet encourages people to …show more content…
Recently, internet has gained our confidence. In early days, for instance, people did not prefer to buy something even if it was cheaper than convetional ways. Because of the fact that people did not want to share their card information or other factors. However, we rely on internet in every respect today. Thus, the online election can be implemented all over the world and with this election no one had change the results. Since online voting evaluates electronic and there are no refusal, mismarked or invaled votes. Furthermore, through online election, people can be eager so as to vote regularly because they have developed accesibility. With the smartphone, online election is a convenient change for many voters. Online ballots anytime, anywhere.Therefore, turnout all elections will be increased, moreover, participatory democracy will be enhanced.Especially, accesible election will be better for youth and military whohave to live another city or country. They can vote anwhere with only using internet. Lastly, online election can reduce cost which is related to election such as cost of printing, postage.As a result, online election has more benefit than traditional election so internet give a chance for improving

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