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Good Old Days


Submitted By absush
Words 404
Pages 2
How many of you, have, at some point in your lives, thought about your "good old days"?

Now, what we commonly say as "good old days" is called "nostalgia". The word nostalgia is made from 2 Greek words - nóstos, meaning "homecoming", and álgos, meaning "pain or ache". It was coined in 1688, by medical student Johannes Hofer, to denote the aches caused by feeling of homesickness of Swiss mercenaries who were fighting in the lowland plains of France & Italy and pined for their native mountainous landscape. Once considered as a medical condition linked with homesickness, "nostalgia" now is considered as a positive emotion that people experience when reminiscing the past - typically a place or period with happy personal associations. I suspect, the word nostalgia, must be thinking, back in the good old days I was known for a medical condition.

I liked the nostalgic recollection of this grandfather. He was telling his grandson "You know, in the good old days, you could go to a supermarket with 1 dirham in your pocket, and come out with a box of chocolates, a packet of chips, a bottle of coke, and a dozen eggs. But today, you can't do that ..... there's just way too many surveillance cameras.

Why do we get nostalgic? Why can't the good old days be now. ..... I think, ..... it is because ..... we do not appreciate the present. As author, Andy Bernard says " I wish ..... there was a way to know, you're in the good old days, before, you've actually left them". Ironically, many a times we think of the good old days only when ..... our present state of mind is quite the contrary. Having said that, it is wiser to think of the good old days, rather than renting out space for the devil's workshop. Remember “Nostalgia is the only friend that stays with you forever.”

So, if you have nothing better to do, and you are not listening to other people's nostalgia, you might as well think of your own good old days, because it comes along with the following benefits
• It helps improve mood.
• It heightens positive emotions thus releasing good endorphins - the feel good brain chemicals.
• As it is typically involves memories around near & dear ones, it helps increase one's social connect.
• It enhances positive self regard. - as it helps people feel better about themselves.
• AND It helps increase self esteem - by initiating desire to deal with stress.

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