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How Did William Blake Affect His Poetry

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William Blake Within his Poetry During the Romantic Era, William Blake demonstrated a unique way of viewing the world, that was easily separated from the normal way of thinking. His poetry along with the ideas he expressed have influenced a countless number of individuals to see the world as it truly is: beautiful but corrupted by oppression. William Blake lived his life in poverty, finding his only comfort within the confines of his work; therefore, there is no doubt that his poetry reflected his life and ideals. Through his childhood, obsession with art, and the way in which he saw the world, William Blake conveyed his life and beliefs within the many stanzas he wrote. Throughout his childhood, William Blake demonstrated an immense amount …show more content…
Upon first glance at the title, one would be lead to the conclusion that the poem encircles a tiger and analyses its beauty. With further reading, one can see that William Blake is asking the tiger a series of questions. The poem begins with the author addressing the tiger, asking him who made him, implying that an immortal being held the title. Who started the fire behind the tiger’s eyes? Who created the heart, The shoulders, the hands, and the feet of the tiger? What tools were used to make the tiger? hammers or chains? Did the creator smile at the creation of the tiger? The last stanza repeats the first question, in asking, overall, who made the tiger? (“The Tyger). Simply reading “The Tyger,” lacks the depth needed to receive the full effect of the words written. One needs to dig deeper, in order to discover the gems hidden deep within William Blake’s words. For example, the tiger, the lamb and the various tools all symbolize something different. “Blake’s tiger becomes the symbolic center for an investigation into the presence of evil in the world” (“Songs of Innocence and Experience”). By inferring that the tiger's versatile personality symbolized the evil present in the world, Blake indicated that the God that created everything still technically created the evil as well. The “Lamb” in line 20 represents Jesus Christ indicates that the same person who created Jesus also created the tiger (“The Tyger”). Building on the tiger symbolism, Blake is questioning the creator on how he could create something so beautiful, such as the lamb and the tiger, but still allow the tiger to possess a vengeance within. Furthermore, the mention of the lamb is also an allusion to Christianity (“Songs of Innocence and Experience”). Throughout history the symbol of a lamb has always represented God’s son, Jesus Christ, as something pure and a sacrifice who

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