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How Far Have We Ever Come Analysis

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How far have we really come? “Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible” (Maya Angelou). There’s no better quote to describe modern times. Despite numerous gains with social acceptance and activism, prejudice is still alive and thriving today. We try to make gains to stop it from spreading, like legalizing Gay marriage and pushing for equal wages for men and women. However, all of this progress seems so diminished because we currently have a disrespectful and bigoted man as a front-runner for the presidency of the United States. Is there a remedy to prejudice? Will we ever live in a world without bigotry? It’s truly hard to say, some people will always have differing opinions on issues such as these. We can’t just accept this though, we must always try to educate everyone to treat all humans with respect. As a society, we …show more content…
Septimus coming from the aftermath of World War I is absolutely distraught. He has seen so much cruelty and human suffering, and lost his closest friend and has constant nightmares and hallucinations that remind him of that. After a while of being back home and his symptoms not improving, his is put into the care of Sir William Bradshaw and Dr. Holmes. Septimus doesn’t want their help and feels they he does not have a condition that needs to be remedied. Sir Bradshaw and Dr. Holmes soon come to the conclusion that Septimus is crazy and not suffering from a mental illness and try to take him away. This is when Septimus decides to take his life instead of give up his soul to the two doctors. After Septimus jumps out the window, Dr. Holmes says this after drugging Reiza to pass out. “She must not see him, must be spared as much as possible, would have the inquest to go through, poor young woman” (Virginia Woolf, Pg.

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