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Submitted By s2asiva
Words 448
Pages 2
Well, we have seen about the ABC model of attitude ie., affect, behaviour and cognition. Now let us decode one of them. That is affect. Simple definition of affect is, it is your feelings or emotion towards an object. It can be both positive and negative. If it is positive, you will be more inclined to do that. On the other hand if it is negative you will be less likely to do that.
Now let us see what attitude causes some people to gamble.. What might be the primary reason for people to gamble? Whats your take on this .There is a general perception that people gamble for money. The survey conducted by university of Northern Iowa suggests the other way. Over 30% of the people gamble just for entertainment. 26% of the respondents say that they gamble mainly because they cannot come out of it, i.e is basically addiction. They gamble more and more and they cannot stop doing it. Then there comes other reasons such as challenging, socializing etc. Only 6% of the respondents said that they gamble to win money.
Now let us see the other side of the spectrum. We have seen what attitude causes some people to gamble. Now let us see what attitude causes other not to gamble. This will be quite interesting. Because money comes first here. Fear of losing money is primary reason for not gambling. Then there comes ethical or moral concern. This will be more sought of prevalent in conservative societies. People tend to go with ethics, morals etc. Then there comes other reasons like
Age: If you consider the age factor, youths in the age group of 18-30 are more likely to involve in gambling than the other age groups.
Gender: This is quite obvious. Males are overwhelmingly involved in gambling than the females.
Marital status: People who are single i.e; unmarried or divorced are more likely to be involved in gambling. The main reason is that they have less family obligations when compared to married persons
Education level: This is absolutely interesting. Because education level of a person do not have any direct relation with gambling. Both highly educated and uneducated people are involved in gambling. So, their educational qualification do not matter much
Family Income: Families with high disposable income are more likely to be involved in gambling than others. Due to their increase in family income, their lifestyle changes and they are more inclined towards these stuffs to get entertainment.
Alcohol: Needless to say, the alcohol consumption is highly associated with greater spending towards gambling. That is why casinos offer free booze to their gambles, to increase their revenue.

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